Additional Resources
Overview of psychoactive drugs | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy. By khanacademymedicine. (1)

Treatment of Nicotine Dependence and Tobacco Cessation. By Providence Swedish. Learn about the treatment options for nicotine dependence and how to successfully quit smoking (2)

How do cigarettes affect the body? – Krishna Sudhir details what happens when we smoke — and when we quit. By TED-Ed. Cigarettes aren’t good for us. That’s hardly news — we’ve known about the dangers of smoking for decades. But how exactly do cigarettes harm us, and can our bodies recover if we stop? Krishna Sudhir details what happens when we smoke — and when we quit. (3)

ATTRIBUTION: This chapter is not covered by the adaptation statement, it is original work.
- KHAN ACADEMY. (2015, July 15). Overview of psychoactive drugs | Processing the Environment [Video]. Youtube.
- Krishna, S. (2018, September 13). How do cigarettes affect the body? – Krishna Sudhir [Video]. Youtube – Ted Ex.
- Swedish. (2015, February 24). Treatment of Nicotine Dependence and Tobacco Cessation [Video]. Youtube.–o4mXQ