2.8 Key Terms Study Guide

The material in this chapter are the core of being an effective with key terms around Language and Substance Abuse. Once you understand the important knowledge base, skills and guidelines for case management you will have a solid foundation for understanding how to be more effective as a case manager. You may be familiar with these terms, but If you are not familiar with the terms below, I recommend you download this study sheet, add more spaces to write in definitions and relevant information (or make flashcards) as you read the chapter and watch videos.
- Addiction
- Case manager
- Compassion
- Cultural Competence
- Decolonization
- Determinants of Health
- Discrimination
- Gender
- Indigenous
- Intersectionality
- Pronouns
- Race
- Stigma
- Substance Abuse
ATTRIBUTION: This chapter is not covered by the adaptation statement, it is an original work.