
6.6 Key Terms Study Guide



Photos by Denise Halsey

The material in this chapter assists us in having a better understanding of a variety of medications and supplements to help us understand their impact on physical and mental well-being. We reviewed what type of medications are used for psychological disorders, which over-the-counter medicines may be appropriate for health concerns, and which supplements people are using for health and well-being.  We also looked at the drug development process and the phases of clinical trials to learn how medications and supplements are tested and approved for human consumption.

You may be familiar with these terms, but If you are not familiar with the terms below, I recommend you download this study sheet, add more spaces to write in definitions and relevant information (or make flashcards) as you read the chapter and watch videos.

  1. Anti-Anxiety Medications
  2. Anti-depressants
  3. Antipsychotics
  4. Dietary Supplements
  5. Drug Approval Process
  6. Drug Interactions
  7. ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy
  8. Mood Stabilizers
  9. over-the-counter medications
  10. Prescription Drugs
  11. Psychological Disorders
  12. psychological well-being
  13. Psychotherapy
  14. side effects of psychoactive medications
  15. Stimulants
  16. Supplements

ATTRIBUTION: This chapter is not covered by the adaptation statement, it is an original work.


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Drugs, Health, Addictions & Behaviour - 1st Canadian Edition Copyright © 2018 by Denise Halsey and Sunil Boodhai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.