Applying For Jobs
When you locate a job opportunity, you may be confronted with different methods for applying. Employers use different methods to collect job applications. For example, some require the completion of a standard application (often online), while others require you to submit a resume and cover letter – whether on the web site or attached to an email. Whichever method an employer uses, be sure that’s the method you use. Otherwise, you could disqualify yourself from the selection process.

Best practices for applying for a job via email
A job application email is a form of business correspondence, so make a positive, professional impression.
- Review your resume and cover letter to ensure they are correct and error-free.
- Name each file in a way that makes it clear what the document is, usually with your name and the job applied for, such as MelReidResume.docx or AnnaCarraCoverLetter.pdf. (If the employer prescribes a certain file naming convention, be sure to follow that)
- Unless otherwise directed, save the documents in MS Word format.
- Enter a clear, short Subject line, usually with your name and the job applied for, such as Mel Reid application for Marketing Specialist. (Again, if the employer prescribes a certain format for the email subject, be sure to follow that.)
- Compose a short message:
- Start with a salutation, such as Dear Kelly Green or Dear Hiring Manager.
- Provide a statement that addresses the job you’re applying for and the source where you learned of the position. For example: “I’m writing to express my interest in the Marketing Specialist position listed on Indeed. My resume and cover letter are attached for your consideration.”
- Give a short but impactful statement of the qualifications that make you an ideal candidate – you might consider this a highly a condensed version of your cover letter. For example: “I am a fast learner, with experience supervising others and recent completion of a graduate certificate in marketing.”
- Add a statement expressing enthusiasm for further discussion about the job. For example: “I look forward to an opportunity to discuss how I might contribute to your firm’s ongoing success.”
- Use a complimentary close, such as “Sincerely”.
- Provide your full name, email address, phone number, and link to your LinkedIn page if applicable.
- Add the recipient email address last! This helps prevent you from sending the message in error, before it is ready. Only add the email address once you’re sure your message is free of errors and you have the right documents attached. (You might even consider test-sending the email to yourself first, to be sure everything is correct.)
Applying for a job online
There are unique considerations when you apply for jobs online, like preparing in advance, working from the right file formats, and avoiding errors. Go to the article Master Online Job Applications and test your knowledge by answering the questions below.
Are you thinking about applying for a job in the public service? Here are some resources for you.
- Government of Canada: check out “What to Expect” when applying for jobs with the federal government. For example, you’ll need an account and there are terms that are unique to postings with the Government of Canada.
- Government of Ontario: learn about the hiring process used by the Ontario provincial government. For example, they offer specific tips for writing your resume and preparing for your interview.
Media Attributions
- Lightbulb via Careerspace