Book Title: Career and Workforce Readiness

Author: Careerspace - Trent University

Cover image for Career and Workforce Readiness

Book Description: As work-integrated learning becomes a key component of higher education in Ontario and with increased prevalence in university and college level learning, ensuring students are well-prepared in fundamental workplace skills to support successful integration into the workforce is essential. The Career and Workforce Readiness resource is an openly accessible, six module course that seeks to provide learners with the opportunity to practice, reflect, and develop the strategies they'll need to get started, refine their process, or put the finishing touches on current efforts.

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial


Book Information


Careerspace - Trent University


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Career and Workforce Readiness Copyright © by 2022 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Advice on careers and achieving success


Career and Workforce Readiness
Careerspace - Trent University
Justin Carpenter
Heather Cadigan; Tony Ruban Raj Raja; Reem Muqtadar; Rai Tandang; Meghan Ward; Danielle Harris; Deborah Earle; Jennifer Lamantia; Karen McQuade Smith; Kristen Papadakos; Saranne Whetung; and Sean Dooley
Bethany Brown
Chloe Devlin; Michael Prophet; Tara Beaton; Mary Goldsmith; Jeffrey Ross; James Bailey; Christian Metaxas; Deanna Di Vito; and Hannah Neff

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Career and Workforce Readiness Copyright © by 2022 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

This resource has been licensed by Careerspace under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Recommended attribution: “Career and Workforce Readiness,” by Careerspace, Trent University is licensed under CC BY NC 4.0

Primary Subject
Advice on careers and achieving success
Additional Subject(s)
Language learning: specific skills, Reference works, Careers guidance, Employment and labour law: general, Social media / social networking, Job hunting / changing careers
Trent University
Careerspace - Trent University