Prebriefing Definition
Prebriefing is “a process which involves preparation and briefing. Prebriefing ensures that simulation learners are prepared for the educational content and are aware of the ground rules for the simulation-based experience” (INACSL Standards Committee, McDermott, et al., 2021, p. 9). Prebriefing may also be thought of as an information or orientation session held prior to the start of a simulation activity in which instructions or information is given to the participants. Prebriefing is the time when educators, researchers, facilitators or staff plan their roles prior to the simulation. The prebriefing should include an orientation to the equipment, environment, technology, roles, time allotment, objectives and patient situation (Lioce et al., 2020).
Prebriefing = Preparation + Briefing
Preparatory activities are provided in advance of the briefing and give background to the learning activity. Prebriefing includes preparation and briefing phases. One recommended preparatory activity is to provide learners with related course materials to review prior to their virtual simulation experience.