

Throughout the modules, you will see common terms, abbreviations, and acronyms. The glossary below defines how these terms are used in this context.


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act


Ontario Human Rights Code


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


Terms used interchangeably throughout these modules to indicate the role of an individual with subject matter expertise sharing that content with a learner/student.

Education Provider

Refers to an organization that provides education, either as a main or ancillary objective. This includes public educational institutions as well as private enterprise, non-governmental organizations or non-educational public bodies (UNESCO, 2011).


Equity is described as fairness, sameness, and appreciating diversity and inclusion.


Diversity is often perceived to be about points of view, representation, and supporting inclusion.


“The process of deconstructing colonial ideologies of the superiority and privilege of Western thought and approaches.” (Antoine et al, 2018)


Inclusion is about creating environments open to feedback, supporting diversity, and being transparent and flexible.

Indigenous Epistemologies  

Theory of knowledge that is based on Indigenous perspectives, such as relationality and the interconnection of sacred and secular, and holism. The emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and physical dimensions of knowledge are common in Indigenous epistemologies (Antoine et al., 2018).

Indigenous Pedagogies 

The method and practices of teaching that focus on the development of a human being as a whole person, learning through experience, and recognizing the important role that Elders have in passing on wisdom and knowledge (Antoine et al., 2018).


Terms used interchangeably throughout these modules to indicate the role of an individual actively engaged in the learning process and gaining knowledge/content from an educator/instructor/faculty


Universal Design for Learning


Antoine, A., Mason, R., Mason, R., Palahicky, S., & Rodriguez de France, C. (2018). Pulling together: A guide for curriculum developers. BCcampus.https://opentextbc.ca/indigenizationcurriculumdevelopers

UNESCO. (2011). Education provider. In TVETipedia Glossary. https://unevoc.unesco.org/home/TVETipedia+Glossary/filt=all/id=177