Part 3: History, Governance and Human Rights Perspectives about Safe Sport

When it comes to the safe sport movement, implementing change requires a solid understanding of where we currently stand and how we got to be here. At the same time, it is crucial to reposition the conversation with an intersectional focus on athletes as individuals operating in multiple systems of power. Part 3 of this reader covers important conversations around the history of safe and inclusive sport, the changes that have taken place in sport governance, and the need for sport organizations to embrace cultures of equity and inclusion.
In Chapter 3, Bruce Kidd, PhD, from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at University of Toronto writes about the long struggle towards safe sport in Canada. In Chapter 4, Peter Donnelly, PhD, who is from the same department at University of Toronto discusses the recent challenges posed to the autonomy of sport organizations. Finally, in Chapter 5, a human rights perspective is offered by Leela Madhava Rau and Talia Ritondo of Brock University. These topics are crucial for understanding the broader context of safe sport and how it can be achieved.