
25 Social Insurance Number (SIN)

What Is a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a unique nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada. It is mandatory that all international students provide their SIN at the time of employment. Job offers cannot be processed without a SIN. All employees are required by Service Canada to present their SIN to their employer within 3 days of starting work. You will receive a temporary SIN that begins with the number “9”, valid for the duration of your work permit.

How Do I Apply For a SIN?

Applications are administered through Service Canada. The fastest way to obtain a SIN is to apply for one in person at a Service Canada Centre. For more information on how to apply for a SIN and what documentation is required, please visit the Service Canada website. You can search for the closest Service Canada location to you here.

You may also apply for your SIN online. Applying online is easy. Submit a SIN application online within a secure and protected environment using SIN online and upload digital copies of documents.

Please consult the What do you need before you apply page and information attached to ensure that you are informed on all required documents before starting the application.

Eligible students applying through the SIN online portal can expect to receive the letter containing your SIN in the mail within 15 days.

By providing an email address on your application, you will receive an email confirming that your application has been received and a second email to let you know when your application has been processed. If your application did not meet the requirements, you will receive an email containing guidance on the requirements to obtain a SIN. Providing an email address eliminates the need to wait 5 days to receive a rejection letter.

Note: We encourage you to apply for your SIN at the SIN Clinic during the International Welcome Week.

When Will I Receive My SIN?

If you apply for a SIN in person, you will likely receive your SIN during your visit (as long as you have all required documentation). If you apply by mail, you should receive your confirmation of SIN letter within 20 business days from the date your application is received.


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