
33 More Information and Next Steps

Please visit the International Student Services (ISS) website for further information about studying, working, and living in Canada. They offer email and live chat support, virtual drop-in sessions, and virtual 1:1 appointments as you begin to prepare to travel to Canada, and as you settle in once you have arrived.

You can also reach out to the MBA Program at mba.studentexperience@mcmaster.ca for anything specific to being an international MBA student. As noted in the previous chapter in this handbook, we will begin to set you up for success in July starting with your onboarding newsletter. We look forward to meeting you in person for the first time during the MBA International Student Welcome Week.

We wish you all the best this summer as you prepare to join us here at DeGroote!

Do you have any suggestions for what additional information might be helpful for us to include in this handbook in future years? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at mba.studentexperience@mcmaster.ca.


MBA International Student Handbook 2024 Copyright © by Mahak Arya. All Rights Reserved.