Book Title: Introduction to Business Math

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Book Description: Introduction to Business Mathematics provides students with a review of some of the basic concepts and building blocks in mathematics. Students will be given an introduction to the mathematic concepts needed in their pursuit of a business career.Book Analytic Dashboard
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Book Description
All Fanshawe College Business Programs require an introductory course in business mathematics. This text, Introduction to Business Mathematics, is intended to be used for this first semester introductory business mathematics course. The object of this text is to support the learning of the necessary mathematics (except statistics) needed to succeed in the business fields such as accounting, finance, management, supply chain, insurance, marketing, and general business.
Both algebraic and financial calculator learning and solutions are supported.
Introduction to Business Math Copyright © 2023 by Margaret Dancy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Business mathematics and systems