8.3 Supporting the Bereaved

There’s no perfect combination of words that will take away a grieving person’s pain, but there are ways we can support them and show we care (Cruz, 2019). Calling, texting, or showing up face-to-face, for instance, are some of the best things we can do for someone who is grieving (Cruz, 2019). We can also send cards and/or gifts, anticipate their needs, check up on them, and listen with compassion (Grief, n.d; Cruz, 2019). There are, however, things that should be avoided, including: trying to “fix” their grief, not saying the deceased person’s name, making it about us (Cruz, 2019), and/or encouraging them to “move on” (See video below).
Click the links below to learn more about how to support those experiencing loss:
Grief – How to Support the Bereaved
VIDEO: We Don’t “Move on” From Grief. We Move Forward With It
In the following TED talk, writer and podcaster Nora McInerny discusses life and death, encouraging us to shift how we approach grief.