Versioning History

This page provides a record of edits and changes made to this guide since its initial publication. Whenever edits or updates are made in the text, we provide a record and description of those changes here. If the change is minor, the version number increases by 0.1. If the edits involve substantial updates, the version number increases to the next full number.

The files posted for this guide always reflect the most recent version. If you find an error, please let us know by completing our Suggestions, Comments, and Corrections form.

Version Date Changes
1.0 June 1, 2021 Original publication date
2.0 June 20, 2022
– Updated cover
– Updated “Copyright”
– Updated “About this Guide”
– Updated “Navigating this Guide”
– Updated “Acknowledgements”
– Updated “Introduction – The What and Why of OER,” including note on the new Ontario Commons licence attached to some Virtual Learning Strategy-funded projects
– Added “Evaluating OER”
– Created “Resources Across the Disciplines” section, incorporating existing “Inclusion, Diversity, Accessibility, Anti-Racism, and Equity” and “Indigenization and Decolonization” and adding “Online Learning” and “Research and Citation Styles”
– Added all existing course codes at uOttawa (based on course catalogue) and created “Other Minors, Concentration, and Options” for each faculty
– Added Faculty of Medicine
– Moved Pharmacology (PHA) from “Nursing” to “Biopharmaceutical Sciences” under Faculty of Medicine
– Moved Anatomy and Physiology (ANP) from “Nursing” to “Anatomy and Physiology” under Faculty of Health Sciences
– Ordered faculties, disciplines and suggested OER alphabetically
– Added new suggestions of OER
– Biomedical Sciences (BIM) added under “Biology” with suggestion to also check Anatomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medicine, and Psychology
– Identified Canadian resources with Canadian flag icon
– Updated “OER Repositories and Tips for Searching”
– Created list of OER adoptions at uOttawa, combining it with existing “Share Your OER Adoption!” section
– Updated “Credits”
– Added note on “licence” vs “license” in “Navigating this Guide”
2.1 July 25, 2022 Updated links for BCcampus resources and reviews to the new B.C. Open Collection in the following chapters:

– Indigenization and Decolonization
– Communication
– English
– Geography, Environment and Geomatics
– History
– Office Languages and Bilingualism Institute
– Philosophy
– Education
– Civil Engineering
– Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
– Anatomy and Physiology
– Human Kinetics
– Nursing
– Biology
– Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences
– Earth and Environmental Sciences
– Mathematics and Statistics
– Physics
– Economics
– Feminist and Gender Studies
– Political Studies
– Psychology
– Public and International Affairs
– Sociological and Anthropological Studies
– Administration
2.1.1 August 25, 2022 Added Vector Spaces First under “Mathematics and Statistics” and OER used at uOttawa
2.2 September 28, 2022 Added OER to the following chapters/disciplines:

– Anatomy and Physiology (ANP)
– Biology (BIO)
– Biomedical Engineering
– Biopharmaceutical Science (BPS)
– Chemical and Biological Engineering
– Chemistry (CHM)
– Chinese (CHN)
– Civil Engineering
– Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
– Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
– Geography (GEG)
– Human Kinetics (APA)
– Indigenous Languages (ILA)
– Mathematics (MAT)
– Mechanical Engineering (MCG)
– Nursing (NSG)
– Other Minors, Concentrations, and Options (Faculty of Engineering)
– Physiology (PHS)
– Portuguese (POR)
– Second-Language Teaching (DLS)
– Spanish (ESP)
2.2.1 November 24, 2022 Added Every Teacher is a Language Teacher (Volume 2) under “Second-Language Teaching
2.2.2 July 27, 2023
– Updated link and year of publication for a newer version of Nursing Virtual Case Studies under “Nursing
– Added 2022 H5P Edition to entry for Principles of Marketing under “Administration
– Added 2022 H5P Edition to entry for Technical Writing Essentials under “English
– Updated Fundamentals of Business, Third Edition to the fourth edition under “Administration
2.2.3 August 3, 2023 – Updated course codes and titles in the following disciplines: English (ENG), Geography (GEG), History (HIS), English as a Second Language (ESL), French as a Second Language (FLS), Philosophy (PHI), Digital Humanities (DHN), Education (EDU), Biology (BIO), Mathematics (MAT), Economics (ECO), Sociology (SOC), Administration (ADM), and MBA (MBA & ADX)

– Added Digital Cultures (DCN) under “Other Minors, Concentrations, and Options” for the Faculty of Arts
– Removed OER for courses that no longer exist: APA 2121 (2) and SOC 4111 (1)
– Moved “Biopharmaceutical Science” from “Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences” to “Other Minors, Concentrations and Options” for the Faculty of Science
– Added PharmD Program and Pharmacy (PHM) under “Biopharmaceutical Sciences” for the Faculty of Medicine
2.2.4 October 7, 2023 Added OER to the following chapters/disciplines:

– Administration (ADM)
– Anatomy and Physiology (ANP)
– Biology (BIO)
– Criminology (CRM)
– Economics (ECO)
– Education (EDU)
– English (ENG) – Writing
– Environmental Science (EVS)
– Environmental Studies (ENV)
– Feminist and Gender Studies (FEM)
– Geology (GEO)
– Inclusion, Diversity, Accessibility, Anti-Racism, and Equity
– Indigenization and Decolonization
– Information Studies (ISI)
– Linguistics (LIN)
– Nursing (NSG)
– Physics (PHY)
– Physiology (PHS)
– Psychology (PSY)
– Social Work (SVS)
– Sociology (SOC)
– Spanish (ESP)
– Teacher Education (PED)
– Translation (TRA)
– Visual Arts (ART)
2.2.5 November 6, 2023 Added Numerical Analysis under “Mathematics and Statistics
2.2.6 November 30, 2023 Added Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective (Second Edition) under OER used at uOttawa
2.2.7 January 16, 2024 Replaced Translating for Canada, eh? (Version 1) with Version 2 under “Translation and Interpretation
2.2.8 March 13, 2024 Added 10 titles from the BC Cook Articulation Committee’s Culinary Arts open textbook series and Introduction to Food Production and Service under “Nutrition Sciences
2.2.9 April 11, 2024 Added Garbage in, garbage out under “Translation and Interpretation“, “Communication“, and “English
2.2.10 May 30, 2024 Added Défis de parole : fiches FLS pour l’expression orale under “French as a Second Language (FLS)
2.2.11 June 4, 2024 Added Writing Guide to Students of History under “Research and Citation Styles
2.2.12 June 6, 2024 Added Forced Migration in Canada under “Common Law“, “Political Studies“, “Conflict Studies and Human Rights (ECH)“, and “Sociology (SOC)
2.2.13 June 11, 2024 Added reviews throughout the guide.



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OER by Discipline Guide: University of Ottawa (Version 2.0 - June 2022) Copyright © 2022 by Mélanie Brunet and Catherine Lachaîne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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