26 Chemical and Biological Engineering
See also:
Open Textbooks for Engineering, a list of open educational resources curated by the Engineering Library Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Chemical Engineering (CHG)
Alternatives Fuels from Biomass Sources (EGEE 439)∗
Caroline Clifford (Pennsylvania State University)
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Is climate change real? Yes, it is! And technologies to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are being developed. One type of technology that is imperative in the short run is biofuels; however, biofuels must meet specifications for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, or catastrophic damage could occur. This course will examine the chemistry of technologies of bio-based sources for power generation and transportation fuels. We’ll consider various biomasses that can be utilized for fuel generation, understand the processes necessary for biomass processing, explore biorefining, and analyze how biofuels can be used in current fuel infrastructure.
Formats: Website and HTML files downloadable as a .zip file (after completing the “Course Download Questionnaire”)
Suggested for:
CHG 8301 Renewable Fuels
Chemistry for Engineers∗ 
University of Waterloo
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: assigning sections is permitted, but adaptations are not allowed without permission)
The course is conceived within a framework of four fundamental scientific-knowledge domains that underpin chemical engineering as a discipline: i) conservation of matter and energy; ii) structure and properties of matter; iii) equilibrium and spontaneity; and, iv) rates of reaction and transport. It comprises six modules. At the end of each module, students are expected to be able to explain observable physical phenomena from a microscopic viewpoint and to apply this understanding to the analysis and solution of practical problems. At the end of the course, students should be able to recognize the relevance of physical chemistry to their own engineering discipline and also be able to communicate with other professionals, including physical chemists and chemical engineers, using appropriate terminology.
Format: Online
Suggested for:
CHG 1125 Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Processes∗
In progress, last updated: April 2022
Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
This book is for anyone who is interested in some of the basic principles behind what chemical engineers do and how they can use powerful tools from physics to solve problems involving steady-state processes. It starts with a knowledge of algebra, chemistry, and some physics, and builds on current knowledge towards more practical problems. The ultimate goal is to obtain a book containing information about all of the major processes a chemical engineer may encounter as well as some insight into their analysis, which is essential for design. The book is designed as an introduction to the subject and therefore tends to stay away from the more complicated mathematics.
Formats: Online (wiki) and PDF
Includes: Practice problems
Suggested for:
CHG 1125 Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
Numerical Methods with Applications∗
Autar K. Kaw (University of South Florida), Egwu E. Kalu (Florida A&M University), and Duc Nguyen (Old Dominion University)
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: assigning sections is permitted, but adaptations are not allowed without permission)
The textbook is written primarily for engineering and science undergraduates taking a course in Numerical Methods. Its treatment of numerical methods is based on a holistic approach and short chapters.
Formats: PDF and Word
Includes: Video lectures, PowerPoint slides, worksheets, applications, and questions
Suggested for:
CHG 1371 Numerical Methods and Engineering Computation in Chemical Engineering [chapters 2, 3, and 6]
Phase Relations in Reservoir Engineering∗
Michael Adewumi (Pennsylvania State University)
Last updated: March 2021
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This open textbook provides an overview of the central role that phase behavior plays in the petroleum extraction processes. Readers should be able to describe, in concrete terms, how knowledge of fluid phase behavior impacts specific aspects of the process design and/or operations.
Formats: Online and PDF
Includes: Diagrams and problem sets
Suggested for:
CHG 4364 Oil and Gas Processing
CHE 466 – Process Dynamics and Controls
Peter J. Woolf (University of Michigan)
Revised June 2015
Licence: CC BY 3.0
This course uses an open textbook: Chemical Process Dynamics and Controls. The articles in the open textbook (wikibook) are all written by teams of 3-4 senior chemical engineering students and are peer-reviewed by other members of the class. Using this approach, the faculty and Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) teaching the course act as managing editors, selecting broad threads for the text and suggesting references. In contrast to other courses, the students take an active role in their education by selecting which material in their assigned section is most useful and decide on the presentation approach. Furthermore, students create example problems that they present in poster sessions during class to help the other students master the material.
This project is a collaboration between the faculty and students of the University of Michigan chemical engineering department. The goal of this project is to provide the greater chemical engineering community with a useful, relevant, high quality, and free resource describing chemical process control and modeling. Initial construction of this resource began in Fall 2006, and will continue in future years with other groups of students.
Please refer to the course wikibook for additional Chem 466 materials, including video files, which are not included here.
Formats: PDF, Word, and video
Suggested for:
CHG 3335 Process Control