
11 Module 2: Additional Resources

Module 2 Additional Resources

If you are interested in taking a deeper dive into the content covered in this module, check out the following resources.

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

In this video, ELLs explain the Challenges Faced by ESL Students when studying at a post secondary institution in English.

The blog post Diversity in Post Secondary Career Education: Strategies for Universal Design by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) outlines strategies to support  diverse learners in career oriented learning, following UDL principles.

The guideline Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Minded Practices in Virtual Learning Communities by Jill Provoe, Nova Scotia Community College provides specific suggestions on how to support culturally diverse learners online. Appendix 1 lists a number of great resources by category.

Equitable Assessments

Boston University’s Equity in Writing Assessment Inclusive Teaching Guides and Tips  provides specific guidance on valuing and supporting translingual learners in the classroom and in assessments.

Writing Rubrics and Giving Feedback

The chapter, Beyond Fairness and Consistency in Grading The Role of Rubrics in Higher Education, in the open-source book Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education, gives guidelines and explains how rubrics can support learning, improve course design and ensure fairness and equity.

The University of Colorado provides a comprehensive guide on Co-Creating Rubrics with Students. The video can be used as a starting point for a class discussion.

Cult of Pedagogy has many resources on developing and using rubrics.


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