
5 Module 1 Additional Resources

Module 1 Additional Resources

If you are interested in taking a deeper dive into the content covered in this module, check out the following resources.

Asset Based Pedagogy

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Its Application in Higher Education Environments

The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children

Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design in Higher Education_Promising Practices  is an e-text that has a collection of practical applications for UDL in instruction, in services, in info technology and in physical spaces.

The Think UDL Podcast focuses on how faculty in Ontario Higher Ed are implementing UDL in their teaching practice. In each episode college and university faculty from various institutions discuss how they are applying UDL principles.

Watch a webinar with Patti Kelly Ralabate and Loui Lord Nelson, authors of Culturally Responsive Design for English Learners The UDL Approach to develop an understanding of the language learning process and how the UDL you include in your teaching can support ELLs.

Culture Inclusivity

Language and Vocabulary

The New General Service List Project explains the different types of word lists and demonstrates the expected text coverage if students have learned the targeted words. ELLs first encounter words from the New General Service List before encountering words from the New Academic Word List in advanced English courses. The head words represent word families. These words are high frequency words found across disciplines in post secondary texts.

The article Second Language Acquisition in Adults: From Research to Practice provides a brief but concise overview of three aspects of Second Language Acquisition (SLA): learner motivation, role of interaction, role of vocabulary.


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