
H5P: Copyright Considerations

You must get permission from the copyright owner to upload proprietary content, like publisher provided slides or materials, in something like the eCampusOntario H5P Studio. In the future, if your course changes the textbook, H5P interactives would need to be rebuilt to no longer rely on that resource. Often, the H5P Studio is best used with content created uniquely for a course, or for anything sourced from Open Education Resources (OER). (Wilkinson, 2020)

This applies to all proprietary content, including YouTube videos, images, and other media. For more on copyright, review our Copyright for Faculty and Staff guide.


Wilkinson, J. (2020, October 2). Accessibility and copyright considerations when using the H5P studio. Teaching and Learning Conestoga. https://tlconestoga.ca/accessibility-and-copyright-considerations-when-using-the-h5p-studio/