
34 Kinesiology

Anatomy & Physiology: OpenStax

This text was a collaboration among many anatomy and physiology professors and was developed using pedagogical practices. This textbook has been successfully adopted, adapted, and has an average 4.9/5 professor rating.

Includes: Instructor resources, case studies, student resources, simulations, exercises, solutions, and critical thinking questions.

May suit: KIN 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3.

Excelling in Biomechanics – Exploring Joint Angles

This is an interactive excel file that models joint angles. It was created by Wilfrid Laurier University.

Includes: Interactive excel file.

May suit: KINESIOL 2A03/3AA3.

Excelling in Biomechanics – Calculating Centre of Mass

This is an interactive excel file that models the different factors involved in calculating the centre of mass. It was created by Wilfrid Laurier University.

Includes: Interactive excel file.

May suit: KINESIOL 2A03/3AA3.

Boundless Anatomy and Physiology

This is a comprehensive text covering topics ranging from the human body organ systems, immunology, human development, reproduction, nutrition, metabolism, disorders and aging of organ systems.

Includes: Lecture slides, quiz, and flowcharts.

May suit: KIN 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3.


This combination of four resources are a potential replacement for laboratory manuals for anatomy and physiology. It covers all of the organ systems. It also covers cytology, histology, integumentary system, and blood. There are a lot of diagrams related to different anatomical views of the human body along with detailed pre-lab, laboratory protocols, and post-lab activities.

Includes: Pre-lab questions, laboratory activities, post-lab questions, images, and glossary.

May suit: KIN 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3.

Human Nutrition: 2020 Edition

This textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients, basic nutritional assessment, and nutrition across the lifespan.

Includes: Learning activities, and summaries.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03/3Y03, LIFESCI 2N03 and HTHSCI 4NU3.

Human Nutrition in a Canadian Context

This textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients and how the scientific method should be used to make nutrition-related decisions.

Includes: Everyday connections.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03/3Y03, LIFESCI 2N03 and HTHSCI 4NU3.

Biomechanics of Human Movement

This is a custom textbook catered to the needs of kinesiology students enrolled in a first-year biomechanics course. It has been modified from OpenStax College Physics and Anatomy and Physiology.

Includes: Animations, videos, summaries, review questions, interactive link questions, and critical thinking questions.

May suit: KINESIOL 2A03 and LIFESCI 3J03.

Anatomy and Physiology 2e 

Anatomy and Physiology 2e is developed to meet the scope and sequence for a two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors. The book is organized by body systems. The revision focuses on inclusive and equitable instruction and includes new student support. Illustrations have been extensively revised to be clearer and more inclusive.

Includes: Surgical videos, histology, interactive diagrams, chapter review, interactive link questions, review questions, critical thinking questions, and instructor resources (solution guide, PowerPoint slides, testable images and guided lecture notes).

May suit: KINESIOL 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3 and HTHSCI 2F03/2FF3/2L03/2LL3.

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is committed to advancing the use of open textbooks in higher education. This textbook is a tool to support first year anatomy and physiology courses taught in Australia, aiming to provide students with an increased access to free, high-quality learning materials.

Includes: Section reviews, review questions, and critical thinking questions.

May suit: KINESIOL 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3 and HTHSCI 2F03/2FF3/2L03/2LL3.

Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 

An introduction to fitness and wellness is presented in this textbook. This text covers healthy behaviours, fitness principles, different types of exercise, stress, substance use and abuse, nutrition, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and sexually transmitted infections.

Includes: Videos, terminology checklist, and test your knowledge questions with answers.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03.

Biology of Aging 

This textbook covers the study of the gross and microscopic structure of the systems of the human body with special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function. Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, the systems of the human body, and mechanisms responsible for homeostasis.

Includes: Glossary.

May suit: KINESIOL 4SS3.

Introduction to Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals

This textbook supplies key components of a background in anatomy, biomechanics, human physiology, fitness program components, and strategies for performance adaptations and progression used for developing and optimizing fitness for health and performance.

Includes: Examples, key takeaways, chapter reviews, reinforcement exercises, and test your knowledge activity.

May suit: KINESIOL 2CC3/3F03/3L03.

Health and Fitness for Life

This OER textbook explores components of a healthy lifestyle and methods for incorporating these components into daily life. Fitness assessment, exercise program development, nutrition, weight management, goal setting, and stress management are discussed.

Includes: Terminology lists, videos, and test your knowledge activities.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03/2CC3/3F03/3L03/3W03.

Nutrition Through the Life Cycle

This book is designed to follow an introductory Human Nutrition and Metabolism course. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle builds on the knowledge of nutrients and their metabolism, and the interactions between eating and chronic disease.

IncludesVideos, and main points.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03/3Y03, LIFESCI 2N03 and HTHSCI 4NU3.

Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism

Body Physics sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which fundamental physics topics are introduced.

Includes: Everyday examples, interactive reinforcement exercises, key takeaways, practice questions, detailed lab activities (with videos), and group assignments.

May suit: KINESIOL 2A03 and LIFESCI 3J03.

Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lab Manual

This manual is a guide for anatomy and physiology laboratory exercises. It includes dissection guidance with detailed images; instructions for physiology experiments including foundational content; and gross anatomy study guides for six body systems. 

Includes: Lab exercises and activities, thought questions, and video links.

May suit: KINESIOL 1A03/1AA3, 1Y03/1YY3, 2Y03/2YY3.

Preparation for Dietetic Practice

This book is designed to prepare dietetic students for practical training and contains 7 interactive clinical nutrition modules. It was developed by dietitians who are leaders in their areas of practice and who have a passion for teaching. The aim is to continue to develop modules in many areas of dietetic practice to support both dietetic students and dietitian preceptors in the preparation of future generations of Registered Dieititans.

Includes: Interactive activities, case study, simulation, and reflection.

May suit: KINESIOL 1F03/3Y03, LIFESCI 2N03 and HTHSCI 4NU3.


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OER By Discipline Guide Version 2 Copyright © 2018 by Lauri M. Aesoph is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.