
16 Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization

Resources in this program are currently limited, if you discover an open resource, please let us know via email. Given the interdisciplinary nature of this program, please see the Commerce section for OERs related to the relevant organizational behaviour, accounting, marketing, and finance courses.

Principles of Pharmacology – Study Guide

This text was created by the University of University of Minnesota by a professor in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. This text is a succinct guide of fundamental pharmacology topics such as; drug receptor interactions, classification of receptors, responses to stimulation, signal transductions, and autonomic nervous system.

Includes: Flowcharts, and related scientific terminology charts.

Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook 2nd Edition

This casebook, now in its second edition, is a collaboration of over 90 individuals with expertise and training in public health pharmacy. A total of 54 chapters are presented, covering a broad array of topics relevant to pharmacy applications of public health. These topics include, but are not limited to, cross-cultural care, health literacy and disparities, infectious disease, health promotion and disease prevention, medication safety, structural racism, advocacy/policy analysis, chronic disease, women’s health, rural health, travel medicine and more.

Includes: Cases (with questions), author commentary, patient-orientated considerations, and instructor manual.  The instructor manual is available online and for download, however, Jordan Covvey (covveyj@duq.edu) must be contacted to gain access.

An Interactive Introduction to Organismal and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed.

This interactive textbook introduces students to the nature of science and throughly delves into organismal and molecular biology. It is designed to allow for students to learn and check their understanding in one place, through the interactive material embedded in each chapter.

Includes: Interactive exercises, examples, interactive images, videos, interactive quizzes, podcasts, and case studies.


Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization Copyright © 2018 by Lauri M. Aesoph. All Rights Reserved.