Here are some of the repositories used to discover the OER contained within this guide:
Over 1500 open textbooks and other open resources in top subject areas including arts, business, health, recreation, science and social sciences.
Founded in 2008, LibreTexts is a leading, non-commercial open textbook organization for higher education. In Oct. 2018, the U.S. Dept. of Education awarded LibreTexts $5 million over 3 years to expand its collection of primary source textbooks and supplemental learning resources.
Open textbooks for math and economics; license fees for accompanying online assessments. Print-on-demand available for purchase.
A meta-search tool that simultaneously searches several large OER repositories of open educational materials.
This collection contains over 96,000 discipline-specific, peer-reviewed free learning materials. Materials are categorized in 22 different types, including assessment tools, quizzes, open textbooks and presentations.
- Milne Open Textbooks
A catalogue of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff. - OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search)
A search tool for discovery of open content from 114 different sources. Search by content type such as full textbooks, course materials, and interactive simulations, or browse by subject using Advanced Search.
A growing collection of over 50,000 high-quality OER, including open textbooks.
Peer-reviewed, high quality, openly licensed textbooks in math, science, social sciences, humanities and business. Supported by additional learning resources. Print copies available via Amazon.
- Open Textbook Library
A collection of over 970 peer-reviewed academic textbooks that are free and openly licensed.
A sister project to Wikipedia, Wikibooks is a collection of over 3,400 free content textbooks hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.