
Book Title: Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing

Subtitle: Module 2: Information Gathering and Sharing

Authors: Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston

Cover image for Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing

Book Description: Information Gathering and Sharing is the second module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and highlights the importance of gathering and sharing information in order to engage with communities. The first lesson discusses why you may consider collecting community data and ethical considerations that need to be made when consultation occurs within a community. In the second lesson we will dive into methods to consider when collecting important information about community sustainability. In the third lesson we will describe Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) for you and the roles it plays in building sustainability communities. Lastly, lesson four provides case study examples of successful knowledge mobilization efforts within communities pertaining to both health and environmental research. Overall, this module will provide with you additional building blocks required to navigate along the path of this course through the remaining three modules. 

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information


Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing Copyright © 2022 by Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.




Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing
Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing Copyright © 2022 by Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

This publication should be cited as:

Plummer, R., Smits, A., Witkowski, S., McGlynn, B., Armitage, D., Muhl, E.K., Johnston, J. 2022. Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/bscmodule2/

Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Social impact of environmental issues
Publication Date
February 28, 2022