53 Other Minors, Concentrations, and Options
Aging Studies – Gerontology (GRT)
Biology of Aging∗
Jessica Kelly (Case Western Reserve University)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Includes the study of the gross and microscopic structure of the systems of the human body with special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function. Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, the systems of the human body, and mechanisms responsible for homeostasis.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, PDF, and more
Suggested for:
GRT 1101 Introduction to Aging
Science, Society and Policy (ISP)
No suggested OER at this time.
Social Sciences (FSS)
No suggested OER at this time.
Social Sciences (SCS)
Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding Social Science Concepts Through Illustrative Vignettes∗ 
Patricia Ballamingie (Carleton University) and David Szanto
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This collaborative, open educational resource brings together a collection of short pedagogical texts that help new learners understand complex theoretical concepts and disciplinary jargon from the critical social sciences. Each entry “shows” an element of theory using an illustrative vignette—a short, evocative story, visual or infographic, poem, described photograph, or other audio-visual material. Of use across disciplines and community contexts, Showing Theory aims to democratize theory while linking it to practical, grounded experience.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, and PDF
Suggested for:
SCS 1150 Introduction to Social Sciences
Social Sciences of Health (SSS)
Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19∗ 
Edited by Colleen M. Flood (University of Ottawa), Vanessa MacDonnell (University of Ottawa), Jane Philpott (Queen’s University), Sophie Thériault (University of Ottawa), and Sridhar Venkatapuram (King’s College London)
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: assigning sections is permitted, but adaptations are not allowed without permission)
Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19 confronts the vulnerabilities that have been revealed by the pandemic and its consequences. It examines vulnerabilities for people who have been harmed or will be harmed by the virus directly and those harmed by measures taken to slow its relentless march; vulnerabilities exposed in our institutions, governance, and legal structures; and vulnerabilities in other countries and at the global level where persistent injustices affect us all. COVID-19 has forced us to not only reflect on how we govern and how we set policy priorities, but also to ensure that pandemic preparedness, precautions, and recovery include all individuals, not just some. (Description from UO Press)
Format: PDF
Suggested for:
SSS 4120 A Social Analysis of the Institutions and Governance of Health