31 Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology (ANP)
Anatomy and Physiology∗
J. Gordon Betts (Tyler Junior College), Peter DeSaix (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Eddie Johnson (Central Oregon Community College) (OpenStax)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the yearlong Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at most two- and four-year colleges and universities to students majoring in nursing and allied health. A&P is 29 chapters of pedagogically effective learning content, organized by body system, and written at an audience-appropriate level. The lucid text, strategically constructed art, inspiring career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course.
Formats: Online and PDF; online LibreTexts version
Includes: Key terms, review questions, and critical thinking questions
Reviews: Open Textbook Library – eCampusOntario Open Library – BCcampus
Suggested for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
Boundless Anatomy and Physiology∗
Lumen Learning
2017 (updated version on LibreTexts)
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a comprehensive text covering topics ranging from the human body organ systems, immunology, human development, reproduction, nutrition, metabolism, disorders and ageing of organ systems.
Formats: Online and EPUB
Includes: Quiz files, flowcharts, and lecture slides
Suggested for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
Building a Medical Terminology Foundation∗ 
Kimberlee Carter (Conestoga College) and Marie Rutherford (Georgian College)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Building a Medical Terminology Foundation is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of introductory anatomy and physiology. This resource is targeted for health office administration and health services students in the first year of their college programs.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more
Suggested [as supplementary resource] for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
ANP 1111 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1115 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Human Anatomy Lab Manual
Malgosia Wilk-Blaszczak (University of Texas at Arlington)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
This is a lab manual for a college-level human anatomy course. Mastery of anatomy requires a fair amount of memorization and recall skills. The activities in this manual encourage students to engage with new vocabulary in many ways, including grouping key terms, matching terms to structures, recalling definitions, and written exercises. Most of the activities in this manual utilize anatomical models, and several dissections of animal tissues and histological examinations are also included.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI
Includes: glossary/vocabulary list
Reviews: Open Textbook Library
Suggested for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1111 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1115 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Medical Terminology
Stacey Grimm, Colleen Allee, Elaine Strachota, Laurie Zielinski, Traci Gotz, Michael Randolph, and Heidi Belitz (Nicolet College)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Medical Terminology is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms. This resource is targeted for health services students in the first year of their college programs.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, and PDF
Suggested [as supplementary resource] for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
ANP 1111 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1115 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Medical Terminology Student Companion
Stacey Grimm, Colleen Allee, Heidi Belitz, Traci Gotz, Michael Randolph, Elaine Strachota, and Laurie Zielinski (Nicolet College)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Printable study companion aligned with Medical Terminology, an open educational resource that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms. This resource is targeted for health services students in the first year of their college programs.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, and PDF
Suggested [as supplementary resource] for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
ANP 1111 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1115 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Charles Asbury, Fred Rieke, Bertil Hille, Mark Bothwell, and John Tuthill (University of Washington)
Licence: CC BY 4.0
This open textbook covers the following topics: Cytoskeleton, molecular motors, and cell motility; Cell membranes and transport; G protein coupled receptors; Receptor tyrosine kinases and nuclear hormone receptors; Membrane potentials; Action potential, threshold, refractory period; Action potential propagation; Synapses and neurotransmitter receptors; Sensory receptors; Autonomic nervous system physiology; Nociception and spinal reflexes; and Muscle physiology.
Formats: Pressbooks webbook and PDF
Includes: videos, H5P activities, review questions, practice questions
Suggested for:
ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy and Physiology II