
Version 2.2.13 (June 2024)

Thank you to Channarong Intahchomphoo, Intermediate Technician, for locating additional reviews of OER contained in this guide.


Version 2.2.4 (October 2023)

Thank you to Paul-Cezar Tanase, Learning Support Technician, for performing the research to complete the details about new OER added to this guide.


Version 2.0 (June 2022)

The editors would like to thank the following individuals for their work and invaluable contributions to the second version of this guide:

Marie-Cécile Domecq, Research Librarian (Health Sciences), for taking time during her academic leave to be a key contributor to this version by searching for OER in health-related fields in multiple repositories, providing feedback on the guide’s organization, and rereading the entire guide to find errors

Karmel Gervais, Master’s student at the School of Information Studies and coop student at the Copyright Office/Library (Summer 2021) for designing the cover of this new edition

Savannah Gorbahn, Master’s student at the School of Information Studies and Research Assistant at the Library (Winter 2022) for searching for OER and reviews, and for translating the chapter “Evaluating OER” from French to English

Eve Thibeault, Undergraduate student in History and Political Science and coop student at the Library (Summer 2022) for putting all OER suggestions in alphabetical order, completing licence information, identifying Canadian resources, and finding a variety of errors to correct


The following librarians at uOttawa performed a high-level evaluation of the suggested OER to assess their match for specific courses. Their subject-area expertise proved invaluable:

Victoria Cole, Research Librarian (Health Sciences) – Reviewed: Nursing (NSG) and Physiotherapy (PHT)

Emily Da Silva, Research Librarian (Health Administration) – Reviewed: Health Administration (HAH and MHA)

Jennifer Dekker, Research Librarian (Arts) – Reviewed: History (HIS), Philosophy (PHI), and Religious Studies (SRS)

René Duplain, Research Librarian (GIS) – Reviewed: Environmental Studies (ENV), Geography (GEG), and Information Studies (ISI)

Alain El Hofi, Research Librarian (Social Sciences) – Reviewed: Anthropology (ANT), Criminology (CRM), Feminist and Gender Studies (FEM), Aging Studies-Gerontology (GRT), Social Sciences (SCS), Social Sciences of Health (SSS), and Sociology (SOC)

Karine Fournier, Research Librarian (Health Sciences & Medicine) – Reviewed: Clinical Rotation (CLI) and Medicine (MED)

Majela Guzmán, Research Librarian (Social Sciences) – Reviewed: Economics (ECO), International Development and Global Studies (DVM), Political Studies (POL), and Public and International Affairs (API)

Ann Hemingway, Research Librarian (Arts) – Reviewed: English – Literature & Composition (ENG), Music (MUS), Theatre (THE), and Visual Arts (ART)

Jolene Hurtubise, Student Success Librarian – Reviewed: English (Technical Writing)

Patrick Labelle, Research Librarian (Social Sciences and Education) – Reviewed: Education (EDU), Psychology (PSY), Social Work (SVS), and Teacher Education (PED)

Catherine Lachaîne, Student Success Librarian – Reviewed: English (Writing) and Interdisciplinary Study in Arts (AHL)

B. Paco Lalovic, Documentalist at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute – Reviewed: English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FLS)

Emily Landriault, Research Librarian (Law) – Reviewed: Common Law (CML) and Law (DCL)

Nigèle Langlois, Research Librarian (Health Sciences & Medicine) – Reviewed: Food and Nutrition (NUT)

Valentina Ly, Research Librarian (Health Sciences and STEM) – Reviewed: Anatomy and Physiology (ANP), Biochemistry (BCH), Biology (BIO), Biomedical Engineering (BMG), Chemical Engineering (CHG), Chemistry (CHM), Health Sciences (HSS), Human Kinetics (APA), and Neuroscience (NSC)

Megan McMeekin, Inclusion Librarian – Reviewed: Accessibility and Universal Design, Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and Indigenization and Decolonization

Téa Rokolj, Research Librarian (Arts) – Reviewed: Communication (CMN), German Language and Culture (ALG), Italian Language and Culture (ITA), Linguistics (LIN), Second-Language Teaching (DLS), Spanish (ESP), Translation (TRA), and World Literatures and Cultures (LCM)

Lindsey Sikora, Head, Research Support (Health Sciences, Medicine, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) – Reviewed: Pharmacology (PHA)

Sarah Simpkin, Head, Research Support (Arts and Special Collections) – Reviewed: Digital Humanities (DHN)

Allison Smith, Research Librarian (Management) – Reviewed: Administration (ADM, MBA, and ADX)

Evan Sterling, Research Librarian (Science and Engineering) – Reviewed: Geology (GEO) and Mechanical Engineering (MCG)


Version 1.0 (June 2021)

The following librarians at uOttawa performed a high-level evaluation of the suggested OER to assess their match for specific courses:

Melissa Cheung, Research Librarian (Science and Engineering) – Reviewed: Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Physics

René Duplain, Research Librarian (GIS) – Reviewed: Geography, Environment and Geomatics

Alain El Hofi, Research Librarian (Social Sciences) – Reviewed: Sociological and Anthropological Studies, and Feminist and Gender Studies

Majela Guzmán, Research Librarian (Social Sciences) – Reviewed: Economics, International Development and Global Studies, and Public and International Affairs

Ann Hemingway, Research Librarian (Arts) – Reviewed: English, Classics, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts

Jolene Hurtubise, Student Success Librarian – Reviewed: English (Writing)

Patrick Labelle, Research Librarian (Social Sciences and Education) – Reviewed: Psychology and Teacher Education

Nigèle Langlois, Research Librarian (Health Sciences and STEM) – Reviewed: Nutrition

Valentina Ly, Research Librarian (Health Sciences and STEM) – Reviewed: Human Kinetics, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering

Téa Rokolj, Research Librarian (Arts) – Reviewed: Communication, Linguistics, and Modern Languages and Literatures

Allison Smith, Research Librarian (Management) – Reviewed: Administration

Evan Sterling, Research Librarian (Science and Engineering) – Reviewed: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mathematics and Statistics


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OER by Discipline Guide: University of Ottawa (Version 2.0 - June 2022) Copyright © 2022 by Mélanie Brunet and Catherine Lachaîne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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