
3.1: Organizational Structures


Project Management Organizations

Fill in the boxes in the figure below using the figure in the book as your guide.

Blank chart showing the authority of project management organizations.

Functional Organizations

Fill in the boxes in the figure below using the figure in the book as your guide.

Blank chart showing the structure of a functional organization.

Projectized Organizations

Fill in the boxes in the figure below using the figure in the book as your guide.

Blank chart showing the structure of a projectized organization.

Project Team

Fill in the boxes in the figure below using the figure in the book as your guide.

Blank chart showing the structure of a project team.

Check Your Knowledge

Questions: Project Management Organizations

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Subject matter experts are well organized and have support of peers in their department
  • Not focused on the project goals
  • Maximize efficiency in terms of ongoing operations
  • Inefficient use of time and money in regards to project goals
  • Lack of responsibility or ownership of the project

Fill in the Blank: Organization Structures: Advantages and Disadvantages

Complete the following table with the advantages and disadvantages of the functional, matrix, and dedicated project team organizations.

Advantages Disadvantages




Dedicated Project Team  


Fill in the Blank: Matrix Organizations

Fill in the types of Matrix organizations in the diagram below, and indicate the relative strength of the functional and project manager’s authorities.

Diagram of the three types of matrix organizations. The names of the organization types are blank.

Matching: Know Your Organization

Fill in the number that corresponds to the correct organization type.

1. Functional Organization. 2. Weak Matrix Organization. 3. Balanced Matrix Organization. 4. Strong Matrix Organization. 5. Projectized Organization. 6. Dedicated Project Team.

A. Recognizing the benefits that the projectized organization has by giving authority to the project manager, functional organizations often organize ___ where a project manager can have authority over the staff assigned to that particular project.

B. The most typical problem with a _____ structure is that communication within the company can be rather rigid, making the organization slow and inflexible. Communication in organizations with these structures can be rigid because of the standardized ways of operation and the high degree of formalization.

C. Project Manager’s Authority is Little or None in a ___ or ___.

D. A project manager is primarily responsible for the project. Functional managers provide technical expertise and assign resources as needed in a ___.

E. In a ___ power is shared equally between the project manager and the functional managers. It brings the best aspects of functional and projectized organizations. However, this is the most difficult system to maintain as the sharing of power is a delicate proposition.

F. Among all three matrix organizations, the project manager’s authority is the weakest in a ____.

G. Among all three matrix organizations, the functional manager’s authority is the weakest in a ____.

H. On the figures below, fill in the circle with the number that corresponds to the correct organizational structure.

C-Level Execs supervise three Functional Managers, who each supervise a team of Staff.

C-Level Execs supervise three Functional Managers and one Project Manager. Each Functional Manager and Project Manager has a team of staff. The staff work within their own teams, but not with different staff teams.

C-Level Execs supervise three Project Managers, who each supervise a team of Staff.