
Unspecified Infection

Incidence and Timing

The search term “infection” was used to identify postings about unspecified infection. Any type of pain that could not be characterized by symptom type or included multiple  symptoms. Uncharacterized infection encompassed all other reports of infection including MRSA, staph, and reports that were not specific on where the infection was located.

The duration of time since the osseointegration surgery was reported by 25 of the 30 respondents, with a median time of 39 weeks (approximately 9 months). The range in reports was from 4 weeks to 208 weeks.


A variety of infection descriptions were used. Some people described their infections as a slight infection, or recurring infections. Some respondents reported their infections caused an increased or change in odour from their stoma. Respondents also reported recurring infections shortly after their OI surgery. One respondent reported an abscess that turned into an infection. Another respondent reported an infection from a dog licking the stoma to which many peers stressed the importance of keeping animals away from the stoma.

What People Have Tried

The use of antibiotics was the most common course of action when dealing with an infection. Respondents also reported the importance of maintaining a cleaning routine with their stomas. This included soaking their stoma in salt water, cleaning with soap and water in the shower, using 10 drops of oregano oil in 100mL of water and applying that to the stoma. Another respondent reported cleaning the stoma with sterile saline. Another person recommended avoiding antibacterial products because they may strip the stoma of the endogenous bacteria that may have otherwise protected the stoma. There was a report of an individual being hospitalized due to the infection and a report of an individual having to have their implant removed to cure the infection.

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OI Symptoms on the Road to Mobility Copyright © by Kirsten Woodend and Kathryn Hawkins. All Rights Reserved.