
Stinging Pain

Incidence and Timing

For the experience of stinging pain, the terms “sting” and “stinging” were used; 17 postings were found.

The duration of time since the osseointegration surgery was reported by eight of the 17 respondents, with a median time of 26 weeks post-surgery (range: 10 weeks – 104 weeks).


All of the respondents indicated that they had stinging pain around their stoma, with many of them describing it as a sharp or harsh stinging sensation. One respondent indicated it felt like a sharp stinging nerve pain around the stoma, whereas others described the pain as resulting from scabbing from the distal end of the stoma. Another respondent reported a stinging pain when putting a great amount of pressure on the implant.

What People Have Tried

If it was pain as resulting from scabbing from the distal end of the stoma, the respondents tended to use cream or a lubricant (Vaseline or KY jelly) around the stoma to help ease the pain. Some of the creams that were used by the respondents included antibiotic cream, Numit cream, and a mixture of coconut oil, oregano, and thyme. SOOV burn spray was also used to reduce pain, as were medicated creams such as Resolve cream and Kenacomb cream. One respondent also indicated that they used radio frequency treatment to decrease the pain that they were feeling. Another respondent advised the group that they were told by their physician that if the stinging nerve pain they were experiencing did not resolve itself in a 12-month period, the doctor recommended TMR surgery. Other respondents shared that they would use vaseline and eye drops to lubricate the stoma, have hyper granulation burned off, soak their stomas in warm salty water, and apply a dressing to keep the stoma from rubbing against the implant.

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OI Symptoms on the Road to Mobility Copyright © by Kirsten Woodend and Kathryn Hawkins. All Rights Reserved.