
9 The Exclusion Era, 1885-1947

For what reasons did Canada place restrictions on immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? How was this process connected to changing images of the nation and the role of the state?

Mariana Valverde, “Racial purity, sexual purity, and immigration policy,” in Barrington Walker, ed. The History of Immigration and Racism in Canada: Essential Readings (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2008), ch. 12.

Angus McLaren, “Stemming the flood of defective aliens,” in Barrington Walker, ed. The History of Immigration and Racism in Canada: Essential Readings (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2008), Ch. 13.

Jared G. Toney, “Locating Diaspora: Afro-Caribbean Narratives of Migration and Settlement in Toronto, 1914-1929.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine, vol. 38, no. 2, 2010, pp. 75–87.

Erika Lee, “Enforcing the borders: Chinese exclusion along the US borders with Canada and Mexico, 1882–1924”, Journal of American Ethnic History 89(1) (2002): 54-86.

Paula Hastings, “The Limits of “Brotherly Love”: Rethinking Canadian – Caribbean Relations in the Early 20th Century” in Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie and David Meren, eds., Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017): 38-53.

Lisa Mar, Brokering Belonging: Chinese in Canada’s Exclusion Era (New York: OUP, 2010). Chapter 1: Negotiating Protection: Illegal Immigration and Party Machines.

John Price, Orienting Canada: Race, Empire and the Transpacific (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011). Prologue to War: Race, Empire and Migration (focuses on 1907 race riot and Gentleman’s Agreement).

Enakshi Dua, “Exclusion through Inclusion: Female Asian migration in the making of Canada as a white settler nation,” Gender, Place & Culture 14(4) (2007): 445-466.

Renisa Mawani, “Specters of Indigeneity in British – Indian Migration 1914,” Law & Society Review 46(2) (2012): 369-403.

Patricia Roy, A White Man’s Province: British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants, 1885-1914 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015).

Peter Ward, White Canada Forever: Popular Attitudes and Public Policy Towards Orientals in British Columbia (Montreal: MQUP, 2002).

Renisa Mawani, Colonial Proximities (Vancouver, UBC Press, 2009). Chapter Four: National Formations and Racial Selves: Chinese traffickers and aboriginal victims in British Columbia’s illicit liquor trade.

Jean Barman, “Beyond Chinatown: Chinese Men and Indigenous Women in Early British Columbia,” BC Studies (177) (2013): 39-64.

Bruce Shepard, “Diplomatic Racism: Canadian Government and Black Migration from Oklahoma, 1905-1912.” Great Plains Quarterly 3, no. 1 (1983): 5-16.

Laura Ishiguro and Laura Madokoro, “White Supremacy, Political Violence and Community, 1907 to 2017”, in Daniel Ross, ed., Confronting Canadian Migration History (Active History, 2019).


Karin Lee, Cedar and Bamboo (https://www.knowledge.ca/program/cedar-and-bamboo).


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Canadian Immigration History Syllabus Copyright © 2019 by Laura Madokoro; Daniel Ross; Franca Iacovetta; Marlene Epp; Lisa Chilton; Gilberto Fernandes; Jordan Stanger-Ross; Michael Akladios; Paul-Étienne Rainville; and Sylvie Taschereau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.