
17 Migrants and the Canadian City

How have migrants shaped Canadian cities, and how have their lives been shaped by the urban environments they have lived and worked in?

Jordan Stanger-Ross, Staying Italian: Urban Change and Ethnic Life in Postwar Toronto and Philadelphia (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009).


Jordan Stanger-Ross, “An Inviting Parish: Community without Locality in Postwar Italian Toronto,” Canadian Historical Review 87, no. 3 (2006): 381-407.

Paul Eid, Being Arab: Ethnic and Religious Identity Building among Second Generation Youth in Montreal (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007) – Chapter 3 (47-61) and chapter 7 (151-178).

John Zucchi, A History of Ethnic Enclaves in Canada (Canadian Historical Association, 2007), 1-23.


John Zucchi, Une histoire des enclaves ethniques au Canada (Ottawa: Société historique du Canada, 2007).

Germain, D. Rose et M. Richard, « Les banlieues de l’immigration ou quand les immigrants refont les banlieues », dans D. Fougères, dir. Histoire de Montréal et de sa région, Tome II (PUL, 2012), 1109-42.


Germain, D. Rose and M. Richard, “Building and Reshaping the Suburban Landscape: The Role of Immigrant Communities”, in D. Fougères & R. Macleod, Montreal: The History of a North American City (McGill-Queen’s, 2018), 313-52.

Robert Harney, “Boarding and Belonging.” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine (2), 1978: 8-37.

Robert Harney, “The Immigrant City.” Vice Versa 24, 1998: 4-6.

Mary Anne Poutanen and Jason Gilliland, “Mapping Work in Early Twentieth-Century Montreal: A Rabbi, a Neighbourhood, and a Community,” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine 45: 2 (2018), 7–24.

Royden Loewen and Gerald Friesen, Immigrants in Prairie Cities: Ethnic Diversity in Twentieth-Century Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).

Magda Fahrni and Yves Frenette, “« Don’t I long for Montreal »: L’identité hybride d’une jeune migrante franco-américaine pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.” Histoire sociale/Social history 41, no. 81 (2008): 75-98.

Mensah and D. Firang. “The African Diaspora in Montréal and Halifax. A Comparative Overview of the ‘Entangled Burdens of Race, Class, and Space’,” and J. T. Darden “The African Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Immigration and Employment Practices in Toronto,” in The African Diaspora in the United States and Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century. John W. Frazier, Jow T. Darden, Norah F. Henry ed. (State University of New York Press, 2010): 35-60.

Kay Anderson, Vancouver’s Chinatown: Racial Discourse in Canada, 1875-1980 (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991) Chapters 1-2 (8-72).

Kwok Chan, “Ethnic urban space, urban displacement and forced relocation: The case of Chinatown in Montreal”, Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes Ethniques au Canada, vol. 18, no 2, 1986, 65-78.

Pierre Anctil, “Un shtetl dans la ville: la zone de résidence juive à Montréal avant 1945”, Tur Malka. Flâneries sur les cimes de l’histoire juive montréalaise (Montréal, 1992), p. 55-74.


Historica Canada Heritage Minute, Kensington Market (2017).


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Canadian Immigration History Syllabus Copyright © 2019 by Laura Madokoro; Daniel Ross; Franca Iacovetta; Marlene Epp; Lisa Chilton; Gilberto Fernandes; Jordan Stanger-Ross; Michael Akladios; Paul-Étienne Rainville; and Sylvie Taschereau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.