Update & Change Log


December, 2023

  • Addition of section 13.5 – Plain Language
  • COMM1016 Tutoring information updated
  • Minor updates throughout the semester to correct specific errors in sections 3.3, 9.4, 11.7
  • Updates to heading structure to properly nest end of page Attribution & References on most pages

September 1, 2023

View this version of the text (archived from September, 2023) in PDF for Print or Digital PDF format

  • Third author added, cover image updated to Georgian template
  • COMM1016 Tutoring information added to front matter of book – Fall 2023 pilot
  • Section 1.1, exercise 2 updated – the link to file on Conference Board of Canada now requires a login, so the relevant information has been cited & referenced instead of forcing students to login – activity is the same
  • Small updates to formatting of YouTube links (improves Print PDF)
  • PDF files have been exported, streamlined, and added as links to the Accessing this textbook page, as well as the main page – default Pressbooks exports have been removed due to large file size) and replaced with compressed PDFs.

April 24, 2023

View this version of the text (archived from April, 2023) in PDF for Print or Digital PDF format

  • Accessing & Using this textbook page enhanced and streamlined to include more resources/links for students
  • Note to educators added to For Educators (PDF) and Ancillary Resources for Educators (web book) pages
  • Chapter 1 – section 1.4: Academic Integrity added
  • Chapter 3 – minor updates throughout to indicate the need for/use of research in essay planning, outlining etc. Added links to later chapters for continuity.
    • Updates to writing samples: updated topics, in-text citation & references
  • Chapter 4 – minor updates throughout to indicate where research would be included for academic writing. Added links to later chapters for continuity.
    • Updates to writing samples: updated topics, in-text citation & references
  • Chapter 5 – Sample research essays in sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
    • Create/update PDF version of paper to demonstrate proper APA document format
    • Replaced existing samples with research paper examples in 5.1 and 5.2 (includes references/citations & APA document formatting)
    • Added formatting note to text-version of paper re: APA document format (enhances PDF version)
    • Section 5.1, 5.2, & 5.3 – Online essay links removed/updated (invalid links)
  • Chapter 7 – Sample research essays in Sections 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7
    • Create/update PDF version of paper to demonstrate proper APA document format
    • Added indicators of where research supports the writing in sentence outline for section 7.5
    • Added formatting note to text-version of paper re: APA document format
    • Added Longer research essay sample (student work, used with permission)
    • Added sample Annotated Bibliography
  • Section 8.3, 8.5, 8.6 – updated the sample resources to use openly licensed publications. Updates to PDF version to improve user experience.
  • Section 8.16 – updates to the section that demonstrates APA heading levels for student comprehension
  • Section 11.5 – updates to streamline the section
  • Sections 12.2 & 12.3 – corrections to issues in quotes and semi-colon exercises
  • Glossary of terms – Added to webbook
  • Summary PPTs updated to reflect above changes
  • PDF by chapter files updated

December 15, 2022

View this version of the text (archived from Jan 2023) in PDF for Print or Digital PDF format

  • Accessing and Using this text landing page created
  • Replaced compare/contrast essay outline diagrams in section 5.1
  • Changed/added existing content to Georgian Writing Centre videos in sections 8.1, 8.9, 8.12, 8.16
  • Embedded PDF version of essay example in 7.2, text version added for PDF export
  • Small updates for screenreader experience with text versions of H5P/writing activities throughout the text (identifying fill in the blank spaces, ordered lists)
  • H5P activities added to Chapters 11-15
  • Updated some headings for consistency/user experience
  • Summary PowerPoint files added to “Ancillary Resources for Educators” in back matter
  • Updated PDF files generated & posted.
  • PDF format changes to improve readability/user experience:
    • Title pages amended for each chapter, to allow for the creation of individual PDFs by chapter
    • Answers to exercises changed to endnotes at end of each section/chapter, labelled Notes
    • Body text/font changed to a sans serif font
    • Underlined links removed
    • Headings made bold
    • Added glossary page to back matter of book (embedded in some chapters in web book)

August 30, 2022

  • Added custom book cover & relevant attribution
  • Added section 8.16 – APA Document formatting
  • Ancillary resources (Summary slides & quiz bank) created
  • Interactive H5P activities added to several sections
  • Text versions of H5P added to improve accessibility & offline/PDF user experience
  • Work to streamline/improve PDF exports for Print & electronic access
  • Accessibility and user experience updates throughout book

February 25, 2022

  • Original publication


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Communication Essentials for College Copyright © 2022 by Jen Booth, Emily Cramer & Amanda Quibell, Georgian College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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