


Georgian College's Academic Integrity regulations (2024-2025) state:

"Cheating is the use of inappropriate, prohibited, or unacknowledged materials, information aids, or misrepresentation in any academic work. The unauthorized use of books, notes, online resources, electronic technology (including, but not limited to calculators, cell phones, tablets, voice and video recorders, and generative artificial intelligence (AI) (e.g., Chat GPT, Quilbot, list not inclusive) as well as conversation with others is restricted or forbidden in many instances of academic work and their use constitutes cheating. You may not request others (including commercial or free term-paper organizations) or any other form of unauthorized assistance to conduct research or prepare any work for you. In addition, you may not distribute or receive an examination, test or other course material that are not obtained with the permission of the professor. "

(Georgian College, 2024, 8.2.1).


What makes you an authority on the subject – usually education or experience.


Slide Deck: a group of slides. Also called a powerpoint, a presentation, or presentation slides


Georgian College's Academic Integrity regulations (2024-2025) state:

"Fabrication is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic work or program and employment documentation.

You must never falsify a record of any kind, nor permit another person to do so. Fabricating academic work, program and employment records includes, but is not limited to clinical permits, criminal reference checks, co-op jobs, placements, employer or placement supervisor evaluation, signatures, misrepresentation of academic credentials from other institutions, or submitting false information for the purpose of gaining admission or credits. An example of fabrication is making up data results for a lab or providing references which are not real."

(Georgian College, 2024, 8.2.2).


A dreadful echoing screech loop created by your mic picking up sound from your speakers

fight or flight

An automatic physical response to fear or stress


Small, well-lit photo of your head and shoulders, looking at the camera


Georgian College's Academic Integrity regulations (2024-2025) state:

"Plagiarism is the representation of another's words, computer code, design solution or ideas as your own regardless of how they are generated in any academic work. Whenever you use words, code, design, or ideas that are not your own when submitting scholarly work, you must cite your sources with an in-text citation, use quotation marks where appropriate, and include a list of references for the sources cited. Failure to do this constitutes plagiarism.

You must not allow anyone access to the work you have prepared for evaluation, whether in a test, examination, or assignment, etc. You are the only one who should receive credit for what you know, unless prior agreement has been reached with the faculty that group work (and group credit) is allowed. Therefore, publishing work on a public repository (ex. Course Hero) is prohibited.

Plagiarism of any part of a work is a breach of academic integrity; there is no partial responsibility. To avoid plagiarism, every source of information must be identified and properly documented according to an established writing convention determined by your faculty, for example, Georgian College Library Citation Guidelines, American Psychological Association (APA) style. Faculty have the right to request that you submit your work for electronic text matching and may ask you to submit proof of paper development, including your notes and drafts.

Self-plagiarism is the resubmission of previous work or portions of work from another course or from the same course if you are repeating a course, without the permission of the current faculty. Self-plagiarism of any part of your work is a breach of academic integrity; there is no partial responsibility."

(Georgian College, 2024, 8.2.3).


Let someone know if you'll attend an event or not


A visual outline of your presentation

team home

A place where all documents, files and decisions reside.

Thinking on your feet

The ability to respond quickly and effectively to unexpected situations or questions.

unauthorized use of AI tools

Unless your assignment, course syllabus or professor specifically states that you may use artificial intelligence tools to complete your work, you are not permitted to use them. Georgian's Academic Integrity regulations mention the unauthorized use of AI tools (among others) in Section 8.2.1 - Cheating.

Artificial Intelligence tools include (but aren't limited to) ChatGPT, other chatbots, paraphrasing or summarizing tools, word switchers or other technological tools that generate, translate, or rewrite text or ideas for you. If you're not sure, please ask your professor.


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Communication Essentials for College Copyright © 2022 by Jen Booth, Emily Cramer & Amanda Quibell, Georgian College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.