This project would not have been possible without the Teaching Innovation Fund (TIF) grant from the Teaching and Learning Centre at Ontario Tech University. This grant funded a project coordinator to oversee case study materials.
These materials would not have been possible without the knowledge and expertise of Ontario Tech University faculty collaborators, including: Drs. Robert Balogh, Laura Banks, Adam Cole, Mika Nonoyama, Elita Partosoedarso, and Otto Sanchez. Their ability to provide feedback and synthesize new ideas contributed to the final version of this publication.
We are grateful to Ms. Brenda Barth, our Project Coordinator at Ontario Tech University, for leading the case study development. We are also thankful to Ms. Jill Thompson, an Indigenous Cultural Advisor at Ontario Tech University, for providing guidance related to the development of our case study family. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge staff from the Open Education Lab at Ontario Tech University, for their assistance in the preparation and publication of this project as an open educational resource.

Thank You!
Thank you to the students employed by the OE Lab for working hard to make this book a reality. Congratulations on your achievement!
Editors: Noopa Kuriakose, Pranjal Saloni, Shreya Patel
Project Managers: Rebecca Maynard, Sarah Stokes
Suggested Attribution for This Work: Banks, L., Barth, B., Balogh, R., Cole, A., Nonoyama, M., Partosoedarso, E., & Sanchez, O. Multi-Course Case Studies in the Health Sciences. OE Lab at Ontario Tech University, 2021, licensed under a CC BY NC SA 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted.
About the Open Education (OE) Lab
Ontario Tech University is proud to host the OE Lab – a student-run, staff-managed group that brings content and technological expertise to the timely creation of high quality OER that will be used directly in an Ontario Tech course by Ontario Tech students.
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