
Appendix 1: Data Management Plan Template

Data Collection

  • What types of data will you collect, create, link to, acquire and/or record?
  • What file formats will your data be collected in? Will these formats allow for data re-use, sharing and long-term access to the data?
  • What conventions and procedures will you use to structure, name and version-control your files to help you and others better understand how your data are organized?

Documentation and Metadata

  • What documentation will be needed for the data to be read and interpreted correctly in the future?
  • How will you make sure that documentation is created or captured consistently throughout your project?
  • If you are using a metadata standard and/or tools to document and describe your data, please list here.

Storage and Backup

  • What are the anticipated storage requirements for your project, in terms of storage space (in megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, etc.) and the length of time you will be storing it?
  • How and where will your data be stored and backed up during your research project?
  • How will the research team and other collaborators access, modify, and contribute data throughout the project?


  • Where will you deposit your data for long-term preservation and access at the end of your research project?
  • Indicate how you will ensure your data is preservation ready. Consider preservation-friendly file formats, ensuring file integrity, anonymization and de-identification, inclusion of supporting documentation.

Sharing and Reuse

  • What data will you be sharing and in what form? (e.g. raw, processed, analyzed, final).
  • Have you considered what type of end-user license to include with your data?
  • What steps will be taken to help the research community know that your data exists?

Responsibilities and Resources

  • Identify who will be responsible for managing this project’s data during and after the project and the major data management tasks for which they
    will be responsible.
  • How will responsibilities for managing data activities be handled if substantive changes happen in the personnel overseeing the project’s data,
    including a change of Principal Investigator?
  • What resources will you require to implement your data management plan? What do you estimate the overall cost for data management to be?

Ethics and Legal Compliance

  • If your research project includes sensitive data, how will you ensure that it is securely managed and accessible only to approved members of the project?
  • If applicable, what strategies will you undertake to address secondary uses of sensitive data?
  • How will you manage legal, ethical, and intellectual property issues?

Adapted from the Portage Template, licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


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Research Data Management in the Canadian Context Copyright © 2023 by Edited by Kristi Thompson; Elizabeth Hill; Emily Carlisle-Johnston; Danielle Dennie; and Émilie Fortin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.