
3 Set Goals

Set Goals and Create a Plan

Set long- and short-term goals at different intervals of your journey. But don’t just set a plain, old, boring, goal. Set a SMART goal!

Watch the following video to learn more about SMART goals.

Responsive Classroom. (2020, October 14). Setting SMART goals [Video]. YouTube.

Here is an example of a plain, old, boring (and probably useless) goal: I want a job where I make enough money to buy a house.

If you really want to achieve your goal, you need a plan. So, transform it into a SMART goal:

  • S: I want to find a full-time job in a hospital where I earn at least $50K yearly.
    • (quite specific!)
  • M: I will keep track of all my efforts to achieve this by keeping a journal.
    • (this is how I can accurately measure my progress and figure out when I have achieved my goal)
  • A: I will search for jobs on several websites every day and apply to at least 3 jobs each week.
    • (this is what I will need to do to achieve the goal)
  • R: This goal is relevant because it will allow me to be independent and provide for my family.
    • (this is why I want to achieve this goal)
  • T: I will achieve this goal 1 year from today.
    • (this is when I hope to have achieved it)



  • S (Specific):
    • What would I like to accomplish?
    • Where?
  • M (Measurable):
    • How will I measure my progress towards this goal?
    • How will I know that I have reached it?
  • A (Achievable):
    • What steps do I need to take?
    • What resources do I need to have in order to accomplish this goal?
  • R (Relevant/Realistic):
    • Why and how is this goal relevant to my life/career/future plans?
    • Is it realistic for me to pursue this goal considering factors like time, money, and family responsibilities?
  • T (Time-bound):
    • Set an approximate deadline for completing this goal.
Unless otherwise indicated, this chapter is an adaptation of Be the Boss of Your Career: A Complete Guide for Students & Grads by Lindsay Bortot and Employment Support Centre, Algonquin College, and is used under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license.

