

I am delighted to write the foreword to this first edition of Whiplash Injury and Chronic Pain: The Anatomy and Current Interdisciplinary Approaches to Management.

As the understanding of whiplash has increased enormously over the past few decades, it is most appropriate that an up-to-date, comprehensive book that connects clinical knowledge and real-world applications should be produced at this time. Further, as the evaluation and treatment of whiplash is a multidisciplinary undertaking, there is also a need for better informing allied health providers and learners about whiplash.

This book updates the most recent information on whiplash injury in a format that is easy to understand by physicians and other health providers. Most books have focused predominantly on clinical aspects of whiplash with limited information on preclinical background and mechanisms of whiplash injury. This book integrates management from physical therapy, rehabilitation and psychological perspectives into the clinical framework, which is critical for appropriate, interdisciplinary management of whiplash patients. The detailed, informative illustrations improve understanding of underlying concepts; as well, this book contains video, interactive reviews, and quizzes to enrich the learning experience.

To further promote the connection between clinical information and real-world patient management, this book is written in a format that combines individual case histories with clinical assessment and treatment from multiple perspectives. I congratulate the tremendous effort put forth by Dr. Harsha Shanthanna and Anita Gross.

Philip WH Peng MBBS, FRCPC, Founder (Pain Medicine)
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada


Whiplash Injury and Chronic Pain: The Anatomy and Current Interdisciplinary Approaches to Management Copyright © 2019 by Shanthanna H and Gross AR. July 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the express consent of the authors.. All Rights Reserved.