Facilitated Asynchronous Debriefing
A facilitated asynchronous debrief is one that is conducted using a learning management system or other communication board. The discussion, monitored by a facilitator, takes place ongoing, at any time (Atthill et al., 2021). A major advantage of the facilitated asynchronous debrief is that the debrief can start immediately after the virtual gaming simulation while thoughts and feelings are still fresh in the learners’ minds. It also provides learners with an opportunity to hear their peers’ and educator’s perspectives on the simulation. A disadvantage of this approach is that the flow of thoughts might be interrupted when peers post at different times over a period of time.
The discussion questions are crafted by the facilitator, and should be based on a debriefing theoretical framework (Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM). Debriefing questions are leveled to the learner and help them achieve the learning objectives of the virtual gaming simulation. Provide pertinent questions and do not burden learners with a large number of debriefing questions (Miller et al., 2018).
An asynchronous debrief should take place over a minimum of 48 hours which provides the learner with an opportunity to reflect and respond to the questions provided (Atthill et al., 2021). Clear instructions about how the learner is expected to participate in the debriefing and the time commitment are key to facilitating an effective debrief (Miller et al., 2018). The learner should respond to the original debriefing questions posted as well as craft a response to other learners’ posts and the facilitator’s response.
The facilitator can respond at any time to direct the reflection, respond to questions and clarify any incorrect learner assumptions. The debriefing questions and access to the discussion board should be available when the virtual gaming simulation has been assigned or played, however, it should be limited to only those learners participating in the debrief (Atthill et al., 2021). Other key elements in facilitating the asynchronous debrief are included in Table 6.3.
Click here to download an accessible PDF copy of Table 6.3
Table 6.3. Essential Elements in a Facilitated Asynchronous Debrief
Essential elements | Rationale |
Ensure the debrief is led by a trained facilitator. |
Debriefing is a learned skill. |
Include a confidentiality statement including who will access the discussion board and if it can be downloaded. |
Enhances psychological safety. |
Restate learning objectives. |
Supports learning; links virtual gaming simulation to course learning objectives. |
Identify time to complete. |
Supports organization and flow. |
State number of questions provided. |
Supports organization and flow. |
Ensure the facilitator has an intimate |
Supports content expertise and an understanding of the learner perspective. |
Create facilitated questions to meet learning objectives and level of learner. |
Encourages reflection, analytical |
Identify participation expectations (the number of initial and response posts). |
Enhances psychological safety. |
Clearly indicate grading and type (participation or graded). |
Enhances psychological safety. |
Encourage the use of analytics and course materials. |
Supports learning. |
Provide contact for technology support. |
Supports organization and flow; promotes learner satisfaction. |

Examples in Action: Asynchronous Debrief Instructions
In the prenatal virtual gaming simulation, you assumed the role of a prenatal nurse, Georgia Graham assigned to conduct a prenatal assessment on Madison (Maddy) Fraser. In reflecting on this virtual gaming simulation, we would like you to respond to some questions in relation to your simulation experience. When responding to the questions provided on the ‘discussion board,’ reflect on the learning objectives of this experience.
The learning objectives of this simulation game are to:
- Apply knowledge of physical and psychosocial prenatal nursing assessment.
- Identify normal findings, abnormal variations, and potential complications during a prenatal visit.
- Demonstrate therapeutic interventions when caring for a pregnant woman.
There are 8 questions posted on the ‘discussion board’. These questions will guide you through a facilitated reflection on your virtual gaming simulation experience. The debrief will help you express your reactions, analyze issues, reflect on your performance and make connections to future clinical practice. You are expected to complete 4 posts related to the questions asked or to respond to another learners’ comments. Your posts are to be clearly written to reflect the question and content.
Please note: Your answers are not being graded but you will receive a 2% participation grade for providing 4 posts. Please complete your posts by XX, XX before 2300. Please note that this ‘discussion board’ will not be available to learners after the due date.
Confidentiality: The ‘discussion board’ is password-protected, so only your peers in your group and your faculty will see your responses. All the responses posted in the ‘discussion board’ are confidential, therefore, learners are not to share any of the learners’ responses verbally, through pictures, or social media. The ‘discussion board’ posts will be deleted once this course ends.
Reminder: As you respond to the questions on the ‘discussion board’, refer to your individual summary report sheet and your course notes.
In the following video Dr. Stephanie Atthill, RN, Ph.D, from Georgian College discusses conducting an asynchronous debrief for learners after a virtual gaming simulation.