Integrating Virtual Gaming Simulation in Curriculum
When choosing a virtual gaming simulation, it is important to ensure that the curriculum influences the choice of virtual simulation and not the other way around. Before adopting virtual simulations, educators need to conduct a curriculum review; they should not be an ‘add on’. Virtual gaming simulation adoption should be a well thought-through learning process where the simulations are integrated throughout the curriculum. Virtual simulations are useful when:
- Learners are struggling to understand a particular concept or having trouble developing a particular skill.
- Educators have identified sections of their course that could benefit from active learning.
- Learners need more opportunity for safe, immersive practice.
- Educators and administrators have identified a gap in providing quality clinical practice opportunities for learners.
The following article, ‘Curricular uptake of virtual gaming simulation in nursing education’ by Verkuyl et al., (2021) provides an historical account of one team’s successful integration of virtual gaming simulation in a nursing curriculum. The authors share the lessons they learned about how to maximize curricular uptake. Educators can use this team’s experience to develop their own path for embedding virtual gaming simulation in curriculum.

Examples in Action: Dr. Daria Romaniuk
In the following video Dr. Daria Romaniuk, RN, Ph.D. from Ryerson University discusses the following article:
Verkuyl, M., Lapum, J.L., St- Amant, O., Hughes, M. & Romaniuk, D. (2021). Curricular Uptake of Virtual Gaming Simulation in Nursing Education. Nurse Education in Practice, 50.

Examples in Action: Dr. Jennifer Lapum
The following podcast by Dr. Jennifer Lapum, RN, PhD, provides a few examples of how virtual gaming simulation was embedded in different courses.
Click here to download a transcript of the podcast below.
Dr. Jennifer Lapum, RN, PhD, Professor, Associate Director of Quality Assurance, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University
One useful strategy when integrating virtual gaming simulations in the curriculum is to create a program tracking system to map out which simulations are used across courses and years. This will help to ensure effective use of virtual experiences and avoid over-exposing learners to one type of learning strategy. At the course level, educators need to choose which simulation topic is the best fit for particular learning outcomes and where best to situate the virtual gaming simulation in the course. When thoughtfully selected and mapped in a program and courses, virtual simulations are more effective.