
Organization of the Text

The text consists of seven chapters that discuss the key components for effective teaching and learning with virtual gaming simulation. You can access the entire book or just the chapters that are relevant to you. Definitions for terms are shared within the text.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Virtual Healthcare Experience Suite of Virtual Gaming Simulations

This chapter discusses the open-access resource, Virtual Healthcare Experience, which includes virtual gaming simulations for nursing education. Virtual gaming simulations and the evidence that supports their use in education are reviewed.

Chapter 2: Integrating Virtual Gaming Simulations in the Curriculum

This chapter links educators to open-source virtual gaming simulations and discusses the nuances of integrating virtual gaming simulations in the curriculum.

Chapter 3: Presimulation Preparation

The concept of preparatory work for learners prior to using virtual gaming simulations is discussed.

Chapter 4: Prebriefing

The rationale for conducting a prebriefing prior to virtual gaming simulation enactment is discussed. Strategies for conducting prebriefings are reviewed.

Chapter 5: Virtual Gaming Simulation Enactment

This chapter describes how to successfully enact or play virtual gaming simulations and discusses the critical role that facilitation plays in enactment.

Chapter 6: Debriefing for Virtual Gaming Simulation

The purpose of debriefing, the vital role debriefing plays in learning with virtual gaming simulation and the different debriefing formats are discussed.

Chapter 7: Evaluating Virtual Gaming Simulation

Different approaches to evaluating virtual gaming simulation are reviewed.

Key Features

This resource was developed to help educators teach effectively with virtual gaming simulations. The authors have included several features to meet that goal.

Videos: Virtual gaming simulation developers and educators share their experiences.

Boxes: The follow two types of boxes are provided throughout the etextbook:

  • Examples in Action: Educators share actual examples of how they use virtual gaming simulation with learners.
  • Expert’s Corner: Key points and recommendations from educators with expertise in teaching with virtual gaming simulation

Tables and checklists: Numerous examples and practical strategies in the form of tables and checklists are included for the educator who is teaching with virtual gaming simulation.

References and Resources: The content for this resource was drawn from the exemplary work of numerous authors who are listed and highly recommended for further reading.



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Using Virtual Gaming Simulation: An Educator's Guide Copyright © 2022 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.