
24 Nutrition Sciences

Food and Nutrition (NUT)

Human Nutrition – 2020 Edition∗

Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla, Alan Titchenal, and Jennifer Draper (University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

This nutrition textbook covers introductory concepts in nutrition, from carbohydrates to trace minerals. 

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, EPUB, PDF, and more

Includes: Interactive learning activities

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
NUT 1104 Food Sciences I [chapters 1-11, but requires adaption to Canadian context]
NUT 1304 Introduction to Nutrition [chapters 1-11, but requires adaption to Canadian context]


An Introduction to Nutrition∗

Maureen Zimmerman (Mesa Community College) and Beth Snow (UBC)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

This book is organized using a functional approach, which means that the material is organized around physiological functions, such as fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, energy and metabolism, and blood health, instead of organizing it strictly by nutrient. A primary goal of this text is to provide you with information backed by nutritional science and with a variety of resources that use scientific evidence to optimize health and prevent disease. In this chapter you will see that there are many conditions and deadly diseases that can be prevented by good nutrition. You will also discover the many other determinants of health and disease, how the powerful tool of scientific investigation is used to design dietary guidelines and recommendations that will promote health and prevent disease. 

Formats: Online and PDF

Includes: End-of-chapter exercises

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
NUT 1304 Introduction to Nutrition


Nutrition: Science and Everyday Application∗

Alice Callahan, Heather Leonard, and Tamberly Powell (Lane Community College)

Last updated: December 2020

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This book is designed as an OER text and learning resource for undergraduate students enrolled in FN 225 Nutrition at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. The book covers basic nutrition and metabolism, information literacy, energy balance, nutrition across life stages, dietary supplements, an in-depth look at each of the macronutrients, and major functions of vitamins and minerals.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, PDF, EPUB, and MOBI

Includes: Learning objectives and self-check questions

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
NUT 1304 Introduction to Nutrition


Intermediate Nutrition∗

Brian Lindshield (Kansas State University)

Last updated: January 2021

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This text is used for FNDH 400 at Kansas State University, which is a 3-hour, intermediate-level, nutrition course taught on campus every spring semester, and all 3 semesters (fall, spring, summer) via K-State Online. Ideally on-campus students take the course during the spring semester of their sophomore year. Most on-campus students in the class are majoring in Nutritional Sciences, Nutrition and Health (previously Public Health Nutrition), Sports Nutrition, or Dietetics. There is an increasing number of Biology, Life Sciences and other majors taking the course. Online, more students are nontraditional and a majority are distance dietetics students (K-State offers a distance dietetics degree).

Formats: Online and PDF

Includes: Exercises

Suggested for:
NUT 2101 Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism
NUT 2163 Fundamentals of Food Metabolism


Principles of Nutrition, 2nd Edition∗

Lisa Jellum, Jason Hitzeman, Mark Knauss, Sharryse Henderson, Tom Harnden, Cynthia Elsberry, and Greg Ford (Georgia Highlands College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Topics covered: Nutrition Basics, Macronutrient Structures, Macronutrient Digestion, Macronutrient Uptake, Absorption, & Transport, Common Digestive Problems, Macronutrient Metabolism, Integration of Macronutrient Metabolism, Micronutrients Overview & Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), Antioxidant Micronutrients, Macronutrient Metabolism Micronutrients, Carbon Metabolism Micronutrients, Blood, Bones & Teeth Micronutrients, Electrolyte Micronutrients, Achieving a Healthy Diet, Diet and Health- Chronic Disease Prevention, Pregnancy and Lactation, Nutrition Infancy through Adolescence, Adulthood and the Later Years, Nutrition and Fitness/Athletes, Nutrition and Society. 

Formats: PDF and Word

Suggested for:
NUT 2101 Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism
NUT 2163 Fundamentals of Food Metabolism


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