
28 Biology

Biology (BIO)

Biology for Majors I∗

Lumen Learning


Licence: CC BY 4.0

This text created through Lumen Learning to provide an expansive overview of introductory biology for science students. The broad and specific approaches provide academic freedom for instructors and provide the necessary information for students.

Formats: Online

Includes: Applications, instructor resources, exercises, assignments, and solutions

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology
BIO 1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology [modules 12-13]
BIO 1140 Introduction to Cell Biology [modules 1-11]


Biology for Majors II∗

Lumen Learning


Licence: CC BY 4.0

This text created through Lumen Learning to provide an expansive overview of introductory biology for science students. The broad and specific approaches provide academic freedom for instructors and provide the necessary information for students.

Formats: Online

Includes: Applications, instructor resources, exercises, assignments, and solutions

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology [modules 1-12 and 25-26]
BIO 1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology [modules 3 and 25-26]


Unfolding the Mystery of Life, Biology Lab Manual for Non-Science Majors∗

Ellen Genovesi, Laura Blinderman, and Patrick Natale (Mercer County Community College)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

This laboratory manual is intended for use in a biology laboratory course taken by non-science majors, pre-biology, and pre-allied health majors.

Laboratory exercises provide students with experience in basic laboratory skills, gathering and organizing data, measuring and calculating, hypothesis testing, analysis of data, writing, and laboratory safety. The skill sets are designed to promote the development of critical thought and analysis. Students work with living and preserved specimens, and laboratory reagents and equipment.

Format: PDF

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology [exercises 2, 4-13; as instructor resource to create own lab manual]


Concepts of Biology – First Canadian Edition∗

Charles Molnar and Jane Gair (Camosun College)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

In this survey text, directed at those not majoring in biology, we dispel the assumption that a little learning is a dangerous thing. We hope that by skimming the surface of a very deep subject, biology, we may inspire you to drink more deeply and make more informed choices relating to your health, the environment, politics, and the greatest subject that are all of us are entwined in, life itself. Canadian adaptation of Concepts of Biology.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more

Includes: PowerPoint slides, videos, simulations, summaries, exercises, and solutions

Reviews: BCcampus

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology


Concepts of Biology∗

Samantha Fowler (Clayton State University), Rebecca Roush (Sandhills Community College), and James Wise  (Hampton University) (OpenStax)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

Concepts of Biology is designed for the introductory biology course for nonmajors taught at most two- and four-year colleges. The scope, sequence, and level of the program are designed to match typical course syllabi in the market. Concepts of Biology includes interesting applications, features a rich art program, and conveys the major themes of biology.

Formats: Online and PDF

Includes: Key terms, chapter summary, and questions

Reviews: Open Textbook LibraryBCcampus

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology


General Biology I: Survey of Cellular Biology

Lisa Bartee and Christine Anderson (Mt Hood Community College) (OpenOregon)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

BI101: Survey of Cellular Biology is intended for one term of the introductory biology course for non-science majors taught at many two- and four-year colleges. The concepts of cellular biology, as they apply to the study of life, are introduced, including parts of a cell, metabolism, and homeostasis.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more

Includes: Learning objectives and interactive activities

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology


General Biology II: Survey of Molecular Life and Genetics

Lisa Bartee and Christine Anderson (Mt Hood Community College) (OpenOregon)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

BI102: Survey of Molecular Life and Genetics is intended for one term of the introductory biology course for non-science majors taught at many two- and four-year colleges. The concepts of genetics, as they apply to the study of life, are introduced, including the principles of inheritance, genetics, and gene regulation.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more

Includes: Learning objectives

Suggested for:
BIO 1109 Principles of Biology


Biology 2e∗

Mary Ann Clark (Texas Wesleyan University), Jung Choi (Georgia Institute of Technology), and Matthew Douglas  (Grand Rapids Community College) (OpenStax)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

Biology 2e is an OpenStax biology textbook with all of the concepts covered in two terms of first-year biology. It was written by biology professors from several American institutions and is faculty-reviewed.

Formats: Online and PDF

Includes: Instructor resources, slides, simulations, applications, summaries, exercises, and solutions

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
BIO 1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology [chapters 18-20 and 44-47]
BIO 1140 Introduction to Cell Biology [chapters 1-3]


Human Biology∗

Suzanne Wakim and Mandeep Grewal (Butte College)

Last updated: January 2021

Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Human biology is an interdisciplinary area of study that examines humans through the influences and interplay of many diverse fields such as genetics, evolution, physiology, anatomy, epidemiology, anthropology, ecology, nutrition, population genetics, and sociocultural influences.

Formats: Online and PDF

Includes: case studies, summaries, and review questions

Suggested for:
BIO 1300 The Human Animal


An Interactive Introduction to Organismal and Molecular Biology

Andrea Bierema (Michigan State University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This “textbook” is interactive, meaning that although each chapter has text, they also have interactive H5P content, such as quizzes, simulations, interactive videos, and images with clickable hotspots. Students receive instant feedback when they complete the interactive content, and therefore, can learn and check their understanding all in one place. The first unit introduces students to the nature of science, including scientific controversies, and information literacy, including how to analyze literature and identify stakeholders. Unit 2 is organismal biology, including carbon cycling and population growth, and unit 3 is molecular biology with a focus on gene expression.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, PDF, EPUB, MOBI, and more

Includes: Learning objectives, questions, and interactive activities

Suggested for:
BIO 1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology
BIO 1140 Introduction to Cell Biology



Nina Parker (Shenandoah University) (OpenStax)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

Microbiology covers the scope and sequence requirements for a single-semester microbiology course for non-majors. The book presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health.

Formats: Online and PDF

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
BIO 3124 General Microbiology


General Microbiology – 1st Edition

Linda Bruslind (Oregon State University)


Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Welcome to the wonderful world of microbiology! Yay! So. What is microbiology? If we break the word down it translates to “the study of small life,” where the small life refers to microorganisms or microbes. But who are the microbes? And how small are they? Generally microbes can be divided into two categories: the cellular microbes (or organisms) and the acellular microbes (or agents). In the cellular camp we have the bacteria, the archaea, the fungi, and the protists (a bit of a grab bag composed of algae, protozoa, slime molds, and water molds).  Cellular microbes can be either unicellular, where one cell is the entire organism, or multicellular, where hundreds, thousands or even billions of cells can make up the entire organism. In the acellular camp we have the viruses and other infectious agents, such as prions and viroids. In this textbook the focus will be on the bacteria and archaea (traditionally known as the “prokaryotes,”) and the viruses and other acellular agents.

Formats: Pressbooks WebBook, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI

Suggested for:
BIO 3124 General Microbiology


Microbiology for Allied Health Students

Molly Smith and Sara Selby (South Georgia State University)


Licence: CC BY 4.0

Microbiology for Allied Health Students is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements for the single semester Microbiology course for non-majors and allied health students. The book presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health. The pedagogical features of Microbiology for Allied Health Students make the material interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the career-application focus and scientific rigor inherent in the subject matter.

Format: PDF


Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
BIO 3124 General Microbiology


Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology: Discovering the Unseen World Through Hands-On Investigation

Susan McLaughlin and Joan Petersen (Queensborough Community College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The exercises in this laboratory manual are designed to engage students in hand-on activities that reinforce their understanding of the microbial world. Topics covered include: staining and microscopy, metabolic testing, physical and chemical control of microorganisms, and immunology. The target audience is primarily students preparing for a career in the health sciences, however many of the topics would be appropriate for a general microbiology course as well.

Format: PDF

Reviews: Open Textbook Library

Suggested for:
BIO 3124 General Microbiology
BIO 3126 General Microbiology Laboratory


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