Book Title: Symphony of Lights: An Exploration of the Stained Glass Windows in St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, London, Ontario. February 9-18, 2021. Artlab Gallery
Subtitle: Stained Glass Windows in St. John the Evangelist

Book Description: This catalogue developed out of the exhibition, Symphony of Lights: An Exploration of Stained Glass Windows in St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, London, ON, hosted at the Artlab Gallery on the campus of The University of Western Ontario from February 8-19, 2021. The exhibition focused on the visual and aural effects of the art of St. John’s.
Book Information
Book Description
This catalogue developed out of the exhibition, Symphony of Lights: An Exploration of Stained Glass Windows in St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, London, ON, hosted at the Artlab Gallery on the campus of The University of Western Ontario from February 8-19, 2021. The exhibition focused on the visual and aural effects of the art of St. John’s. In the exhibition, we attempted to reimagine the grandeur of St. John’s artistic features by acknowledging their religious and historical settings, but more importantly, highlighting their artistic merit through a multisensorial experience that furthers those Londoners have enjoyed for over 130 years.
Symphony of Lights: An Exploration of the Stained Glass Windows in St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, London, Ontario. February 9-18, 2021. Artlab Gallery Copyright © 2021 by C. Cody Barteet; Iraboty Kazi; and Anahi Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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