

General OER Collections

Merlot II (Various CC licences)

A curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.

OER Commons (Various CC Licences)

A public digital library of open educational resources.

Open Course Library (CC BY)

A collection of high quality, free-to-use courses that you can download and use for teaching. All content is stored in Google docs making it easy to access, browse and download.

SOL*R (Various CC licences)

Sharable Online Learning Resources is a BCcampus collection that provides guest access for browsing and downloading its Creative Commons Licensed resources.

UBC Open Case Studies (CC BY)

These case studies offer a student-centered approach to learning that asks students to identify, explore, and provide solutions to real-world problems by focusing on case-specific examples. This approach simulates real life practice in sustainability education in that it illuminates the ongoing complexity of the problems being addressed.

Wikibooks (CC BY-SA)


Open Book Publishers (Various CC licences)

A collection of open monographs and textbooks in all subject areas.

Project Gutenburg (Public domain)

A collection of over 54,000 eBooks that are all in the public domain.

IntechOpen (Various CC licences)

A collection over over 3,700 peer-reviewed open access books in physical sciences, engineering, technology, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences, and humanities available for download as PDFs.


Flikr (CC search filter)

The Flickr Creative Commons Search allows you to search all of image sources for items that are either CC-licensed or public domain.

The Noun Project (Various CC licences)

A catalogue of symbols that are created and uploaded by graphic designers under a CC-license.

UBC’s Aggregated List of Image Sources (Licences vary)

A comprehensive list of image collections that are either in the Public Domain or Creative Commons licenced. The list includes multidisciplinary collections, as well as those specific to the humanities and sciences.

U.S. Government Photos and Images (Public domain)

A vast collection of photos and images from the U.S. Government, many of which are in the public domain and free to use.

Wikimedia Commons (Licences vary)

Wikimedia Commons contains over 20 million freely usable image, sound, and video files.


Walt Whitman Archive (CC BY-NC-SA)

A collection of works by and about Walt Whitman.



TED’s videos are all Creative Commons licensed, unless otherwise indicated.



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

OER by Discipline Guide Copyright © 2018 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.