2.2 Ejercicio 1
Ejercicio 1: Yo me presento
Part A
Complete the following sentences:
Yo me presento. Yo me llamo ____________.
Vivo en ____________ (ciudad).
Soy estudiante de ____________ (materia).
Part B
Introduce yourself to two of your classmates using the sentences above and listen as two of your classmates introduce themselves to you. Complete the following sentences according to the information they tell you.

Student 1
Él/ella se llama ____________.
Él/ella vive en ____________.
Él/ella es estudiante de____________.
Student 2
Él/ella se llama ____________.
Él/ella vive en ____________.
Él/ella es estudiante de____________.
Part C
Introduce one of your classmates to the class.
Yo les presento a Sofía. Ella vive en Cambridge. Ella es estudiante de comercio.
Select the play button to hear an example.
This section includes content derived from Introduction to French (2nd ed.), originally released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Liberté, originally released under CC BY-NC-SA, and Francais Interactif, originally released under CC BY 3.0.