11.3 La salud

La salud
Listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary listed below.
La cita | The appointment | |
el/la paciente | the patient | |
el/la médico(a)/doctor(a) | the physician/doctor | |
el/la recepcionista | the receptionist | |
el/la enfermero(a) | the nurse | |
la ambulancia | the ambulance | |
el hospital | the hospital | |
el consultorio | the doctor’s office | |
¿Qué le duele? | What is hurting (you)? | |
me duele la cabeza/la rodilla/el brazo. | My head/knee/arm hurts. | |
¿Qué tiene? | What is wrong? | |
tengo dolor de cabeza/estómago/oído. | I have a headache/stomachache/earache. | |
tengo fiebre. | I have (a) fever. | |
tengo diarrea. | I have diarrhea. | |
tengo gripe. | I have the flu. | |
tengo tos. | I have a cough. |