12.3 Adjetivos posesivos

Adjetivos Posesivos
Possessive adjectives (adjetivos posesivos) indicate possession or kinship: to whom something belongs or to whom someone is related. As with any adjective in Spanish, it must agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies, but in this case gender agreement only affects the nosotros and vosotros forms. And unlike most other adjectives in Spanish, it is placed before the noun.
Mi tía, mis primos | My aunt, my cousins |
Tu casa, tus plantas | Your house, your plants |
Su libro, sus lápices | His / her book, his / her pencils |
Nuestro(a) abuela, nuestros(as) parientes | Our grandmother, our relatives |
Vuestro(a) trabajo, vuestros(as) jefes | Your job, your bosses |
Su padre, sus hijos | Their father, their sons |