9.1 Los viajes

Listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary listed below.
El viaje | The trip | |
el boleto (de ida y vuelta) | (return) ticket | |
la maleta | suitcase | |
la ropa | clothes, clothing | |
las gafas de sol | sunglasses | |
el bronceador | sunscreen | |
la cámara | camera | |
En el aeropuerto | At the airport | |
la tarjeta de embarque | boarding pass | |
el pasaporte | passport | |
la aduana | customs | |
el vuelo | flight | |
el avión | plane | |
la puerta de embarque | boarding gate | |
el piloto / la piloto | pilot | |
el/la auxiliar de vuelo | flight attendant | |
el/la pasajero(a) | passenger | |
la pista de despegue/aterrizaje | runway | |
En el hotel | At the hotel | |
el botones | bellhop | |
la reserva | reservation | |
la habitación individual/doble | single/double room | |
la habitación con vista al mar | oceanview room | |
las llaves | keys | |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
Para Pensar
Vivir es viajar is a popular phrase in the Spanish-speaking world. It translates as “to live is to travel” and it suggests that life and travel are intrinsically connected. What do you think the phrase means? Is travel important to you? Why?