
Module 1: Creating Intercultural Awareness and Understanding Attitudes



This module focused on helping you create awareness for others’ and your own cultural self while introducing strategies to suspend judgement when you perceive people to be different from you. Through content and interactive exercises, you engaged with real-life examples that encouraged you to understand, and appreciate multiple cultural perspectives, as well as develop the skill of self-reflection, which are all important for intercultural competence development.

About the self-assessment

The following self-assessment will help you synthesize your understanding of concepts around awareness, perceptions, attitudes, the importance of developing intercultural awareness, strategies to deal with bias, stereotypes and microaggressions, and different ways of dealing with challenging intercultural situations. As you prepare to do this self-assessment, keep the following in mind:

  • Engage with the self-assessment without rushing; take time to think about the questions and situations.
  • Ensure you answer all questions to maximize your learning process and allow yourself to think more critically about issues and situations.
  • Instead of a mark, you will receive feedback or the correct responses for each item that will support your understanding of the content.
  • Enjoy completing your self-assessment! It is a great way to summarize what you did in this module.


Part 1: Understanding Concepts

Read the following statements and select the concept they are describing [7 points].

Part 2: Explaining Issues

Answer the following questions based on your understanding [15 points].

Part 3: Understanding Perspectives

Decide whether the following statements are True or False [10 points].

Part 4: Making Changes

How would you change the following questions or statements to make them more appropriate? [10 points].

Part 5: Practical Applications

Read the following situations and identify the issue with the question, statement or attitude. Then, describe the strategy you would use to deal with the situation [18 points].

1. You and your partner, both professionals, just moved to the country and rented an apartment in the centre of the city. The landlord comes around to give you another set of keys, and he asks jokingly, referring to both of you, “Am I going to be harbouring illegal aliens?”

2. You and a group of friends go out for dinner and have a good time together. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Amidst the conversation, one of your White friends says to your Black friend, “You are not like other Black people.”

3. An Inuk student in your class is talking to you and a fellow classmate about their experience at the mall where shop clerks kept following them around while browsing. Your classmate says, “I’m sure you imagined it, I’ve never seen that happening.”

Media Attribution

World by Balyanbinmalkan from thenounproject.com and licensed under CC BY 3.0.
World Delivery by DailyPM from thenounproject.com and licensed under CC BY 3.0.
Name Tag by Icon Lauk from thenounproject.com and licensed under CC BY 3.0.
Pointing by Magicon from thenounproject.com and licensed under CC BY 3.0.
Food by Kiran Shastry from thenounproject.com and licensed under CC BY 3.0.


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