
What informed my thinking


Sandra Law

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Ames, M.E., McMorris, C.A., Alli, L.N., and Bebko, J.M. (2016). Overview and evaluation of a mentorship program for university students with ASD. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 27-36.

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Differentbrains.org (Nov 2, 2020)). Episode 101 – Self-Advocacy: Catina’s Way, with Catina Burkett. Spectrumly Speaking. https://www.differentbrains.org/self-advocacy-catinas-way-with-catina-burkett-spectrumly-speaking-ep-101/

Easterbrook, A., Bulk, L., Ghanouni, P., Lee, M., Opini, B., Roberts, E., Parhar, G., and Jarus, T. (2015). The legitimization process of students with disabilities in health and human services educational programs in Canada. Disability & Society, 30(10), 1505-1520.

Elias, R. & White, S.W. (2018). Autism goes to college: Understanding the needs of a student population on the rise. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 732-746.

Francis, G.L., Duke, J.M., Fujita, M., & Sutton, J.C. (2019). “It’s a constant fight:” Experiences of college students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 32(3), 247-261.

Gaffney, J.C. (2020). ‘It’s autism, it’s just a name’: Exploring the impact of autism spectrum disorder with adolescent females using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Educational & Child Psychology, 37(1), 136-147.

Gelbar, N. W., Shefcyk, A., & Reichow, B. (2015). A comprehensive survey of current and former college students with autism spectrum disorder. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 88, 45–68.

Gotham, K., Marvin, A. R., Taylor, J. L., Warren, Z., Anderson, C. M., P. A., … Lipkin, P.H. (2015). Characterizing the daily life, needs and priorities of adults with autism spectrum disorder from Interactive Autism Network data. Autism, 19(7), 794–804.

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Next: Create your own meme about your postsecondary challenges


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