


Accessibility Evaluation Tools

Software or online services that help you determine if web content meets accessibility guidelines.

Accessibility Features

Elements integrated with the content management system interface to assist in developing accessible content. For example, a section to add alternative text for images.

Accessibility Overlay Tools

An interface that is displayed on a website that claims to be able to alter the website content to be more accessible based on a person’s selections. For example, the interface can alter the website to have larger text if someone is having a hard time reading the default size.

Accessibility Standards

In this context, to meet accessibility standards a website must pass all of the requirements outlined in the 2.0 AA Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Alternative (Alt) Text

Alternative Text is a short sentence used to describe an image that can be read by a screen reader or is displayed when the image can not be shown.

Colour Contrast

The luminance contrast between the lightest and darkest colour is measured in a ratio. The higher the ratio, the easier the text will be to read.

Content Management System (CMS)

Software developed to help manage the development and management of digital content. Often used to build websites, especially if someone does not have web design or development skills.


A duty or responsibility.

Plain Language

The goal of plain language is to be easy to read, understand, and use. It avoids complicated language, euphemisms, and jargon.


The term for making a website visible to everyone instead of hidden as a draft during the development stage.


A popular content management system platform. Known for having a simple interface and well-designed templates.


A base website with placeholder content and design styles that a person can use instead of starting a website from scratch.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Internationally recognized standards for what web content needs to be made accessible with specifications on how to do so. There are several iterations and levels of these guidelines but the most commonly used one is currently 2.0 AA.


The most popular website building platform worldwide with a market share of 40% of all websites.


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