4.2 Noise and Vibration

Noise and vibration are related physical hazards that are treated very differently in OHS regulation and management. Noise has been well studied and there is a long (albeit incomplete) list of rules for controlling noise hazards. By contrast, less than half of Canadian jurisdictions have any regulations governing vibration exposure. This section examines the nature of each hazard, their health effects, and briefly considers effective control options.
Noise is simply defined as sound energy that moves through the medium of the air. More scientifically, sound consists of small air-pressure changes caused by the vibration of molecules. The energy from the molecules exerts influence on neighbouring molecules, causing the sound to disperse throughout an area. Human eardrums are designed to detect the small pressure changes and then transfer them through a network of three bones to the inner ear where tiny hair-like cells turn the vibrations into electrical impulses interpreted by the brain. Noise is always present around us.
Noise can damage the structures of our ears and lead to hearing loss. Noise can also cause other health effects (see below). Three characteristics of noise affect whether it becomes a hazard: frequency, duration, and loudness.
- Frequency is vibration of the medium (e.g., air molecules) through which sound energy moves. We measure frequency in Hertz (Hz) (i.e., the number of vibrations per second). We experience sound frequency as the pitch of noise. Fast vibration yields a higher-pitched noise than slow vibration. We can normally hear sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Sounds extending beyond the low and high end of our hearing range are not registered by our brains (i.e., we cannot hear them), but they can still harm our ears.
- Duration is the length of time a worker is exposed to noise. How long a worker is exposed to noise is important. Yet, as discussed below, even short-term exposure can cause damage, especially if the noise is sudden and at a high frequency.
- Loudness (or intensity) is the amount of energy that is being carried through the medium. Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). The key feature of decibels is that they are a logarithmic scale. Unlike linear scales (where each step on the scale represents the same increase, such as a car’s speedometer), each increase on a logarithmic scale is an order of magnitude greater than the previous increase. For example, a sound measured at 10dB is 10 times more intense than a sound measured at 0dB (the lowest audible sound). But a sound measured at 20dB is 100 times more intense than the sound measured at 0dB. Noise over 85dB is generally considered hazardous for human hearing.

The mostly widely accepted health effect of noise exposure is hearing loss. If the loss is temporary, such as after a music concert, it is called a temporary threshold shift (TTS), meaning the normal range of human hearing has been reduced. This effect usually reverses itself over a short period of time. Nevertheless, TTS is a signal that the noise exposure was harmful and that continual or repeated exposure can accumulate and lead to Permanent threshold shift(PTS). Men typically have higher rates of PTS. Some of this gender effect is due to job segregation (i.e., men typically work in louder workplaces than women). It is also possible that some of this effect reflects physicians failing to link female hearing loss to occupational exposures. Women are often exposed to noise in food, bottling, and textile factories as well as service industry jobs.[1]
Extended exposure to noise hazards can lead to non-hearing health effects as well. It can induce a sensitive startled response to sound and cause changes in endocrine and biochemical systems, nausea, headaches, and constricted blood vessels.[2] Sound can also create health effects without prolonged exposure. Acoustic trauma is caused by a short, intense exposure to noise, usually of high frequency (see Box 4.2). Exposure to this hazard can lead to a series of short- and long-term health effects. Short-term effects include a full sensation in the ears, sharp pain around the ear, nausea, or dizziness. Longer-term effects can include headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and hypersensitivity to sound.[3]
Acoustic trauma in call centres
Workers in call centres, often women, immigrants, and young workers, are exposed to a variety of physical and psycho-social hazards. Exposure to noise is not regarded as a significant source of ill health. While call centres can be loud places, testing has found that noise exposure is usually well under the regulated exposure limits (85dB over 8 hours). Traditional analysis has suggested minimal risk for hearing loss.
Recently, however, studies in Sweden, Europe, and Australia have reported on growing incidence of acoustic trauma, sometimes called acoustic shock, among call centre workers.[4] The trauma is the result of sudden, intense, startling, and often high frequency sounds emitted through the telephone headset, frequently described as a squawk or squeal. Often the sounds are loud (over 100dB), but the negative effects do not seem to be connected to volume and are more associated with the sudden, sharp nature of the sound. Following the incident, workers report pain, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), loss of balance, nausea, and sensitivity to sound. Symptoms might last from a few minutes to days. Increased frequency of incidents appears to increase the intensity and length of the symptoms.
For a long time, these worker reports were not taken seriously as their experience did not fit the traditional view of hazardous noise exposures. Most call centre systems have sound inhibitors cutting out any noise that exceeds about 115dB. Considering that the natural response to such a sound is to remove the headset quickly, it was determined they would only have a few seconds exposure and thus would not be at risk of hearing loss. Only when additional research was conducted, spurred on by a campaign from the Trade Union Confederation in England, did the medical evidence appear to support worker reports of ill health caused by short and intense sounds.
All jurisdictions in Canada regulate workers’ exposure to noise. Most jurisdictions utilize an exposure model that factors in duration and loudness, known as a time-weighted average (TWA). Government regulations use dB(A), which is a weighted measure of loudness that factors in the frequency of the noise. Lower-frequency noises are weighted in the calculation so that their dB(A) is lower than their unadjusted dB. This reflects a belief that lower-frequency noises are less harmful than higher-frequency noises.
The regulations generally seek to limit worker’s noise exposure to no more than 85dB(A) during an eight-hour shift. The duration of acceptable exposure declines by half for every 3dB(A) increase. So acceptable worker exposure drops to 4 hours at 88dB(A), 2 hours at 91dB(A), and so forth. The logic of TWA leads to a ceiling of noise exposure at approximately 115dB(A). Box 4.3 provides some real life examples of these noise levels.
There are significant shortcomings in this approach to regulating noise exposure. First, while the use of dB(A) does partially address the issue of frequency, regulations do not adequately address the health effects of short, intense, and high frequency sounds, such as those that cause acoustic trauma. Second, there is insufficient evidence to determine if an exposure at 85dB every day over a period of many years is safe. Third, the rules do not account for individual variation. Research has established that people possess different degrees of sensitivity to noise. Some have greater physiological and psychological reactions to lower levels of noise, while others appear to be more tolerant.[5] As with other types of hazards (e.g., carcinogenic substances), some individuals appear to be more susceptible to harm than others. The reasons are complex, but a universal standard designed to address the so-called “average” person will leave some workers inadequately protected from noise hazards.
Decibel equivalencies
The table below provides examples of the noise levels of common items and indicates how long government OHS regulations permit exposure to those noises. A question to ask yourself is whether you would like to be exposed to that noise for the prescribed length of time (e.g., a truck backup alarm for eight hours)? Do you think such an exposure might affect your health?
Decibels (dB(A)) | Item | Regulatory Time Limit[6] |
50 | Refrigerator | n/a |
60 | Conversational speech | n/a |
75 | Vacuum cleaner | n/a |
80 | Alarm clock | n/a |
85 | Truck backup alarm | 8 hours |
90 | Lawnmower | 2.6 hours |
95 | Food processor | 50 minutes |
100 | Motorcycle | 15 minutes |
100 | Handheld drill | 15 minutes |
110 | Jackhammer | 1 minute 38 seconds |
115 | Emergency vehicle siren | 0 seconds |
120 | Thunderclap | 0 seconds |
140 | Jet engine takeoff | 0 seconds |
Vibration is the oscillating movement of a particle around its stationary reference position. In the workplace, a mechanical process usually causes vibration. Vibration becomes a hazard when workers come into contact with the vibration, causing energy to be transferred to the worker. Two types of workplace vibration are important for OHS. Whole-body vibration occurs when a worker’s entire body experiences shaking caused by contact with the vibration. This is most common with low-frequency vibration (below 15 Hz), as when driving in a car or working near a large machine, such as an air compressor. The health effects of whole-body vibration include a general ill feeling, nausea, motion sickness, and increased heart rate. Extended exposure to whole-body vibration can lead to lower-spine damage and, sometimes, internal organ damage.
Segmental vibration occurs when only parts of the body are affected by the vibration. This is usually caused by higher-frequency vibration. The most common and concerning form of segmental vibration is hand-arm vibration. Hand-arm vibration results from gripping power tools such as jackhammers, saws, and hammer drills. An important aspect of hand-arm vibration is that a tight grip is required to control the vibrating tool, but the tighter the worker grips, the worse the effects of the vibration. Hand-arm vibration syndrome (sometimes called Raynaud’s phenomenon or “white finger”) is caused by restriction of blood and oxygen supply to fingers and hands, which causes damage to blood vessels and nervous systems. The first symptoms are tingling in the fingers, loss of sensation, loss of grip strength, and whitening of the fingers when exposed to cold. Initially, these effects are reversible, but over time they become permanent.[7] Because vibration is the movement of particles, it is related to noise and is often associated with noise exposure. As with noise, individual susceptibility to vibration exposure effects varies. How hard the worker grips the tool, their posture, their sensitivity to motion sickness, and other factors can shape how the exposure manifests itself, which can make it difficult to ascertain the seriousness of the health risk. Men most often manifest vibration-related injuries, reflecting occupational segregation. That said, women in some female-dominated occupations (e.g., dental hygiene) frequently report vibration-related injuries.[8] Exposure to vibration, while widely recognized as a safety hazard, is largely unregulated. Only British Columbia has standards restricting exposure to types of vibration. Those rules adopt a time-weighted average approach similar to that used for noise regulations.
Noise and vibration are measured in similar ways. Both require a specialized meter to detect the intensity of the molecular movement. These meters can provide accurate measurements of real-time levels. Nevertheless, the meters cannot assess the susceptibility of a worker to noise/vibration exposure, nor the degree of damage sustained by the exposure. This means that, even if vibration standards are established, workers may still be harmed by these hazards. OHS regulations also require that workers exposed to noise undergo regular audiometric testing to detect any threshold shift (there are no equivalent requirements for vibration exposure).
Controlling noise and vibration hazards is a complex undertaking. In both cases, the most effective way to control the hazard is elimination, substitution, or engineering controls. Such controls can be expensive, as they require replacing machinery, altering processes, or eliminating tasks from the workplace. Controls along the path can also be implemented by erecting sound barriers to muffle noise or installing vibration resistant material on tool handles. The most common, yet least effective, controls for noise and vibration are time restrictions and PPE. Restricting workers’ exposure to noise or vibration can reduce the effect of these hazards but does not address the full range of risk to the worker.
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. (2003). Gender issues in safety and health at work: A review. Luxembourg: Author. ↵
- Key, M. M., Henschel, A., Butler, J., Ligo, R. N., Tabershaw, I., & Ede, L. (1977). Occupational Diseases: A guide to their recognition (Rev. ed.). Cincinnati: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. ↵
- Safe Work Australia. (2011). Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work. Canberra: Author. ↵
- E.g., Groothoff, B. (2006). Proceedings of Acoustics 2005, Australian Acoustics Society: 335–340. http://www.acoustics.asn.au/conference_proceedings/AAS2005/index.htm ↵
- Passchier-Vermeer, W., & Passchier, W. F. (2000). Noise exposure and public health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 108 (Suppl. 1), 123–131. ↵
- Based on Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code, Schedule 3, Table 1. ↵
- Groothoff, B. (2012). Physical Hazards: Noise and Vibration. In Health and Safety Professionals Alliance, The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals. Tullamarine, VIC: Safety Institute of Australia, p. 12. ↵
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. (2003). ↵
Sound energy transmitted by small air-pressure changes caused by the vibration of molecules.
The vibration of the medium through which energy moves.
The length of time a worker is exposed to a phenomenon.
The amount of energy that is being transported through the medium.
A temporary loss of hearing following exposure to noise.
Permanent loss of hearing due to exposure to noise.
Negative health effects caused by short, intense exposure to noise, usually of high frequency.
A measure of loudness that factors in the frequency of the noise.
The oscillating movement of a particle around its stationary reference position.
When a worker’s entire body experiences shaking due to contact with the vibration.
When part of a worker’s body experiences shaking due to contact with the vibration.
A form of segmental vibration affecting a worker’s hands and arms, often caused by gripping power tools.